Bananachinese’s Weblog

November 20, 2008

Chua Soi Lek challenging Islam Hadhari government

What do you think is Chua Soi Lek’s true intention in politics? He wants revenge at all costs to get back to being a minister, even sacrificing his beloved party and Barisan Nasional’s Islam Hadhari government? After 20 years in big man politics, the poor guy must be having terrible viagra withdrawal to renegade on his big man’s honourable words.

Here’s what another blogger is saying about Chua Soi Lek (and no, you can’t find this juice in Malaysiakini or Raja Petra’s Malaysia Today):


Islam Hadhari: Punca sebenar Chua Soi Lek tidak boleh memegang jawatan menteri kerajaan Barisan Nasional

“Kami akan tetap meyokong kepimpinan YAB Perdana Menteri dan YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan sebagai ahli MCA biasa, saya akan tetap taat setia kepada MCA…

Walaupun saya tidak memegang jawatan mulai daripada hari ini saya akan tetap bersama-sama dengan kawan seperjuangan saya di dalam parti MCA.

Sebagai seorang ahli parti yang sudah memegang jawatan dalam kerajaan hampir 20 tahun, kami tetap menyokong kerajaan Barisan Nasional.

Lepas saya buat perakuan, saya berharap rakyat Malaysia boleh terima saya punya permohonan maaf tetapi malangnya daripada feedback yang saya terima, saya perhatikan rakyat Malaysia tak boleh terima. Rakyat Malaysia sebahagiannya bersikap apa yang dikatakan ‘holier than thou’, makna dia semua ulamak lah…

Kalau saya terus memegang jawatan dalam parti atau kerajaan, ia akan menjadikan satu bebanan kepada kerajaan dan parti, khasnya dalam konteks Islam Hadhari dan juga dalam konteks apa yang disarankan oleh presiden saya, ‘healthy political culture’…

Bahawa saya berpendapat, sesiapa yang melakukan kesilapan atau kerana kelemahan-kelemahan tertentu, maka dia sebagai pemimpin kena bertanggungjawab. Dan saya sudah tampil ke hadapan berdepan dengan bukan hanya pemimpin negara dan parti bahkan dengan rakyat jelata. Nampaknya tidak boleh diterima. So dengan itu saya ingat lebih baik kepada saya dan keluarga saya, untuk kami letakkan jawatan supaya saya tidak menjadikan satu beban kepada kepimpinan negara.”

dari Malaysiakini

di sini

Apa yang disarankan oleh Islam Hadhari? Klik di sini

Tahukah anda?

Reaksi PAS dan ahli-ahli Pakatan Rakyat… sebenarnya pun tidak boleh terima Chua Soi Lek… Ketua Wanita PKR Zuraida Kamarudin juga mahu Soi Lek dilucutkan jawatan menteri kerana aksinya tidak bermoral dan memalukan negara.

Youtube di sini.


Kini, setelah berjaya meraih jawatan Timbalan Presiden MCA Chua Soi Lek pulak mengugut Presiden MCA Ong Tee Keat supaya mengajukan nama Soi Lek sebagai Menteri kepada kerajaan Islam Hadhari yang telah menolaknya terlebih dahulu akibat pendedahan video seks terkenal.

Apa dah jadi, Soi Lek?

Ketagihan kuasa itu sudah menular kembali ke sehingga janji menghormati kerajaan Islam Hadhari itu boleh diketepikan begitu sahaja?

November 12, 2008

A deft and slick show of political kungfu by Rafidah Aziz

What can I say?

All hail and bow down to Rafidah Aziz, the kungfu and diamond queen of modern day Malaysia politics. Superb show of power. Simply whip up the numbers in Wanita UMNO Exco to browbeat deputy Shahrizat Abdul Jalil into submission.

Luckily, Kamilia Ibrahim took to dodging the Exco meeting. Kamilia is set to speeding on the autobahn to contest Deputy Wanita UMNO post.

Looks like a lame duck Wanita Chief from Jan to June 2009 doesn’t appeal to Kamilia’s taste buds.

Come on, Wanita UMNO! Got no guts, meh? Don’t take wrong advice from men who knows nothing about women power! Najib Razak, please stop those demotivating stance at once! (Malaysiakini)

No guts, no glory…

No glory, no voters…

No voters, wither away and movement die…

Change the ole Wanita recipe of fear of divided camps if contest, etc… Go for change, ladies.

Didn’t Obama gave the world a hint?


November 10, 2008

Obama and Malaysiakini: Show me the money!


I’m so amused at all our low information voters and people who gushed and thought that Barack Obama will be Malaysia’s ‘saviour’. You can read all the letters which gushed Obama this, Obama that, in Malaysiakini.

Even those low tech politicians spewed nonsensical remarks on the Obama effect and how racism is over. Hello? Race was never played up by Obama in his campaign. He campaigned on his top breed schooling, using his top network (hey he was Ivy league product?) and masterful marketing campaign.

Was about to blog about the poor mindsets of our people who misread Obama’s win as victory against racism but somebody beat me to it.

Read on and come back down to earth, everybody. Money, network and economics rule in the real world, dears. In the land of the brave and the free, only those who uses their brains, strategise well and build bridges win.


November 9, 2008

The New York Times

Op-Ed Columnist

Show Me the Money


So, I was speaking to an Iranian friend about what a mind-bending thing it must be for people in the Middle East to see Americans, seven years after 9/11, electing someone named Barack Hussein Obama as president. America is surely the only nation that could — in the same decade — go to war against a president named Hussein (Saddam of Iraq), threaten to use force against a country whose most revered religious martyr is named Hussein (Iran) and then elect its own president who’s middle-named Hussein.

Is this a great country or what?

Much has been written about how people all around the world are celebrating the victory of our Hussein — Barack of Illinois, whose first name means “blessing” in Arabic. It is, indeed, a blessing that so many people in so many places see something of themselves reflected in Obama, whether in the color of his skin, the religion of his father, his African heritage, his being raised by a single mother or his childhood of poverty. And that ensures that Obama will probably have a longer than usual honeymoon with the world.

But I wouldn’t exaggerate it. The minute Obama has to exercise U.S. military power somewhere in the world, you can be sure that he will get blowback. For now, though, his biography, demeanor and willingness to at least test a regime like Iran’s with diplomacy makes him more difficult to demonize than George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

“If you’re a hard-liner in Tehran, a U.S. president who wants to talk to you presents more of a quandary than a U.S. president who wants to confront you,” remarked Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran expert at the Carnegie Endowment. “How are you going to implore crowds to chant ‘Death to Barack Hussein Obama’? That sounds more like the chant of the oppressor, not the victim. Obama just doesn’t fit the radical Islamist narrative of a racist, blood-thirsty America, which is bent on oppressing Muslims worldwide. There’s a cognitive dissonance. It’s like Hollywood casting Sidney Poitier to play Charles Manson. It just doesn’t fit.”

But while the world appears poised to give Obama a generous honeymoon, there lurks a much more important question: How long of a honeymoon will Obama give the world?

To all those Europeans, Canadians, Japanese, Russians, Iranians, Chinese, Indians, Africans and Latin Americans who are e-mailing their American friends about their joy at having “America back,” now that Obama is in, I just have one thing to say: “Show me the money!”

Don’t just show me the love. Don’t just give me the smiles. Your love is fickle and, as I said, it will last about as long as the first Obama airstrike against an Al Qaeda position in Pakistan. No, no, no, show me the money. Show me that you are ready to be Obama stakeholders, not free-riders — stakeholders in what will be expensive and difficult initiatives by the Obama administration to keep the world stable and free at a time when we have fewer resources.

Examples: I understand any foreigner who objected to the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the gross mishandling of the postwar. But surely everyone in the world has an interest in helping Obama, who opposed the war, bring it to a decent and stable end, especially now that there is a chance that Iraq could emerge as the first democracy, albeit messy, in the heart of the Arab-Muslim world. Obama was against how this Iraq war started, but he is going to be held responsible for how it ends, so why don’t all our allies now offer whatever they can — money, police, aid workers, troops, diplomatic support — to increase the odds of a decent end in Iraq? Ditto Afghanistan.

The U.N. says it doesn’t want Iran to go nuclear and doesn’t want the U.S. to use force to prevent Iran from going nuclear. I agree. That’s why I want all those people in China, France, Russia, India and Germany who are smiling for Obama to go out and demand that their governments use their tremendous economic leverage with Iran to let the Iranians know that if Tehran continues to move toward a nuclear weapon, in opposition to U.N. resolutions, these countries will impose real economic sanctions. Nothing — and I mean nothing — would more help President-elect Obama to forge a diplomatic deal with Iran than having a threat of biting Chinese, Indian and E.U. economic sanctions in his holster.

President Bush, because he was so easily demonized, made being a free-rider on American power easy for everyone — and Americans paid the price. Obama will not make it so easy.

So to everyone overseas I say: thanks for your applause for our new president. I’m glad you all feel that America “is back.” If you want Obama to succeed, though, don’t just show us the love, show us the money. Show us the troops. Show us the diplomatic effort. Show us the economic partnership. Show us something more than a fresh smile. Because freedom is not free and your excuse for doing less than you could is leaving town in January.

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