Bananachinese’s Weblog

January 17, 2011

Soundcheck time, religious authorities!

Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Repair — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 3:12 pm

Oft times, it is due to limited funding or carelessness that our religious establishments cannot produce top quality sound from their loudspeakers.

Sounds that is processed through bad audio can grit the ears of all within earshot. Babies get startled and shocked out of their sleep, mothers get riled up, late night workers robbed of the interrupted daytime rest that they so badly needed before facing the rat race the next nite…. adoiiiii.

Nevermind if it is a mosque or a temple, they all suffer the same predicament brought on from abuse of poor quality audio broadcast/equipment. Them audio equipment ill suited for public broadcast shouldn’t have been installed without professional competent advice in the first instance.

A mosque or temple exists for public ‘patronage’ – they wouldn’t want their public to be turned away unnecessarily or by poor opinions of their lack of technical competency.

In this ICT era, it is time for religious authorities to beef up their technical department to assist and check the religious premises’ audio systems. Otherwise the public is treated to news of unhappiness caused by sounds (eg: MCA man complained about loudness…, the case of Teresa Kok with a mosque’s loudspeaker, etc)

Soothing and quality sound to heal modern distressed souls are always welcome anytime. Therefore, bring on the good sounds but not the unnecessary vitriol please.

January 3, 2011

Jom! Kita beri undi pada calun

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Malaysia, Parliament, Politics, Repair — Tags: , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 1:40 pm

An anonymous commentator suggested this:


A parent resolved to do this:

Why we parents are not happy? One, some of the parents have many schooling kids. If f5 one have to spend nearly $1600 on the first day of school, imagine you have 5 kids and some in colleges where they need $500/600 pmth for food and books. Perbelanjaan biasa mcm mana?

My thots? Even cikgus wants extra income. Some by giving tuition, some by enforcing extra payments from students and parents. This did not include monthly request from school on tshirts, files, seminars, classes etc. This has to stop and my resolution in the next GE is to choose candidates, not the party.”

A Member of Parliament from Barisan Nasional pleaded the same:

Amid the familiar speculation on the imminent 13th General Election, it is imperative for the voters to be more discerning on making their choice, come polling day. We should gauge and judge the candidates not merely on their party affiliation or their one-off statement made on certain issues, but instead their consistency in upholding certain virtues or values should be given top marks.”

So, will the above be harbinger of the voting trend for the Malaysian 13th General Election?

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