Bananachinese’s Weblog

March 22, 2011

Porn in public spaces is legal or not in Malaysia?

How can you blame the world for asking?


1. When one can organise an event to watch it?

“Anda jangan bimbang, saya akan memanggil anda selepas jam 2 petang dan memberitahu anda di mana tayangan berikutkan diadakan,” katanya memberi jaminan kepada wartawan yang menunggu di situ, sambil mengumpulkan lagi kad nama daripada mereka yang baru sampai.” read Malaysiakini here

2. When one can issue a public threat to publicly disseminate it?

“Individu yang hanya dikenali sebagai Datuk T dan menganjurkan tayangan video seks kepada media hari ini, menuntut pemimpin utama pembangkang dan isterinya berundur dari politik.” read Malaysiakini here

3. When watching porn is even done in Parliament building?

“Sex tape hits Parliament lounge” read The Malaysian Insider here


I wonder what do the Malaysian law enforcers think of all involved in organising these events?

February 19, 2010

Protest at Australian Hi Comm and KJ the chameleon

“Join us for a peaceful protest against the Aussie lawmakers’ interfering. Wednesday 17th, 10am at Aussie HiComm, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng.” invited the sms.

Twaang… struck a patriotic chord within my Malaysian soul.

It is terribly insolent to intimidate a sovereign neighbour country’s courts or influence the course of its rule of law, don’t you think? I wonder why these 50 Australian lawmakers didn’t protest earlier before the trial started. They have internet news in Australia too, you know.

And so, this blogger quickly made a few phone calls to cancel some Chinese New Year visits to relatives. The ang pows will have to give way. And not to mention, my tooth’s broken filling’s visit to the dentist.

With a gnashing pain on tongue (beware how sharp a broken filling is, ouch.) I joined the bloggers protest.

I thought it was a bloggers protest, nothing to do with political parties? Rocky said so to reporters and I believe him.

But, I was distracted by the large crowd of BN youth + a sprinkling of ladies.

MCA youth towkays not even one in sight. MIC youths were there.

Makkal Sakti Party won for the most catchy looking banners of the day. But, need to catch up on their maths.

Then I saw Khairy Jamaluddin making a speech denouncing the naughty 50 Aussie lawmakers’ action.

That’s nice, here was a BN youth leader actually demonstrating his understanding of the rule of law and sovereign rights.

Too bad it doesn’t jive with public perception of him. You remember the stories, the SIL (son in law), ECM Libra, the government interfering 4th floor image that just won’t go away even as he may have gotten over that part of oral history.

Truth be told, yesterday Khairy did good at the demo. But The Malaysian Insider is saying that Khairy’s got RM2million from Najib Razak for UMNO Youth to run some events. I hope Khairy the Oxbridge graduate realise that events only work for the moment only. Smart politicians make sure they work consistently with their publics, not just organise some events to show their concern or worse, ‘tunjuk power’.

If you dream of leaving a footprint in Malaysia politics game, Khairy, you’ve got to decide what you’re gonna be about. You’ve got to decide what principles you are going to stand up for. Rule of law? Human rights? For whom and by whom? We’ve already have one famously acknowledged ‘chameleon‘ and Malaysia is too small a country to accommodate more than that.

September 29, 2009

Water will not clean MCA but will fuel Pakatan

Need Clorox.

Need a good variety of strong disinfectants, too.

Will the fortunes of MCA will be spent on deploying detergent agents everytime le DVD pops up in the market due to insatiable fan requests for naughty stuffs?

Does it mean tightening of MCA budgets, as $$ diverted to clean ups will be shaved from budgets for members activities and training?

Gulp, no more big dinners? No more gatherings in nice hotel settings?

How about that, MCA members?

Would you be willing to sacrifice your already miniscule budgetary allocation to the neverending Ops Bersih?

You don’t care?

So for now, you recommend to use water only cos you can live with a little stain, besides, why spend additional energy or scrub clean with smelly disinfectant?

But… when we start to visualise with longer range tactical thinking, we will see a pesky vision of big $$ deployment to fuel clean ups of sexy grime buildups especially near the next General Election.

Gone lar… division/branch peruntukan for pilihanraya!!

And while our brain cells are on tactical thinking mode, let’s venture to imagine that Pakatan Rakyat, especially DAP will forget to capitalise on this popular stain in the 13th GE.

Yesss, this will be a very useless tool for PR to even use to compare and contrast how Barisan Nasional uses 2 legal systems to treat its peoples:

1 set for Anwar Ibrahim and another set for Chua Soi Lek.

Poor Anwar Ibrahim needs to go through the courts to clear himself off the mattress aka bed stains evidence.

Chua Soi Lek need not go through the courts to clear himself off the video dvd evidence.

Ooohm….. and let’s continue to pray MCA members will never be tasked to answer for this folly by their constituents voters.

August 19, 2009

Chua Soi Lek the naughty boy (Part II)


Our naughty boy is in big news again, providing some distraction from the seriousness of A(H1N1)…

“Chua told reporters at a press conference at a hotel in Petaling Jaya last night that while he had supported Ong in making a police report and in taking legal action, he had objected to the party itself getting involved. (Banana: See below response I got from an MCA insider)

“I expressed support to sue Tiong but I do not believe the party should be involved in it. It is a personal problem. Only the police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission know the truth,” he said before chairing a meeting with other Barisan Nasional component parties. “I support the president in seeking legal redress but not dragging the party into it.” (Banana: Again, see below MCA insider’s response)

Chua also expressed his doubts about Ong’s “conspiracy theory” about a RM100 million campaign to destroy MCA. (There’s no smoke without a fire, Mr Chua?)

The Chinese media had reported that Ong told division leaders that there was a concerted effort to amass RM100 million to move a vote of no-confidence against him at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) and that should the effort fail, there will be an attempt to form a new Chinese-based political party to replace MCA.

“The conspiracy theory has no basis,” Chua scoffed. “If you say there is a RM100 million campaign to topple him, the message is that MCA members only look for money — no money no talk. At the end of the day, people support politicians based on their performance.” (Banana: Please, Mr Chua, you are not being truthful here. Money makes frogs jump. Remember Ms Hee Yit Foong? Don’t tell me all politicians are good performers. Please ask Uncle Lim Kit Siang and Anwar Ibrahim for their opinion)

He also said that he thinks the party is at its lowest point in its history and if the “internal conflicts” continue, the party may not survive past the next general election. (Banana: What are you going to do to contribute to harmonious relationship in your party, Mr Chua?)

“The voters will replace MCA because we are not performing and involved with internal conflicts. We are elected to serve the people and not politics,” he said. (Banana: errr, Mr Chua, you were not elected at 308, remember? Tainted candidate is not acceptable according to Pakatan Rakyat?)

He also cited a case to reporters of “a senior MCA leader” who was arrested in Singapore, charged and jailed, likely referring to former MCA president Tan Koon Swan who was found guilty of criminal breach of trust. “We should let the law take its course,” he said. (Banana: Yes, totally agree with you, Mr Chua. Let law take its course. Btw, the law of the land still says fornification is illegal. Even though I pity you for being caught, the law is still the law.)

News source from The Malaysian Insider.

Unsatisfied, Banana did some snooping and got something from an MCA insider:

“On the issue of Ong Tee Keat:

1.  PKFZ issue is handled by OTK in capacity of minister. Minister Ong acted representing government to resolve the problem.

2.  Tiong King Sing allegations vs OTK is a case involving OTK in capacity as an individual. Note the legal demands issued in personal capacity on both sides.

3.  OTK holding position of MCA President has been accused by Tiong of taking money from Tiong purportly for MCA activities. Under societies Act, the President of a society is answerable to its members, hence, OTK in capacity of MCA President explained to members of MCA his side of the story. Last Sunday, the explanation to divisional leaders was held and accepted by the delegates.

So, you see, as different entities are involved in above cases, require different treatment even though it involved OTK the same man.”

Banana has a question for MCA.

With reference to item 3 above:

Session was closed door for invited members. How come a reporter who is not a delegate can publish the proceedings to public? Who gave permission to Malaysiakini reporter to sabo MCA internal meeting?

May 6, 2009

Changing clothes: Nothing new to politicians

Malaysiakini carried this news “Chua could defect ‘within weeks’ from MCA” today.

Well, well, well….

What’s so special about one man jumping ship?

What’s so special about someone jaded from too comfy work environment seeking a new adventure before time forgot about him/her?

Nothing special or new…

In fact we the salarymen/women does this too on a regular basis. Changing clothes, oops, changing employers / work environment / colleagues.

Don’t be shy, admit it lar.

Our brave young ones especially, armed with the ideal of finding job nirwana, do it every yearly or twice yearly. Some impatient ones do it monthly. Got to try one’s luck, mah! Opportunity must be chased! If one is ever so lucky, can strike jackpot, ooops, ideal benefits. Doesn’t matter if the benefit is so much higher and bigger and don’t commensurate at all with one’s inflated talent. Poor mules.

So, perhaps after reflecting over his benefits past, present and future, one cannot begrudge the personal choice of Chua Soi Lek should he decides to proceed switching over from Barisan Nasional to a more meaningful job with new ’employer’ aka job with Pakatan Rakyat (most probably new boss will be Anwar Ibrahim at PKR as DAP‘s young hotshot Nga Kor Ming said a big TAK NAK to the idea of Chua joining DAP).

Indeed, a new work environment may be the potion of second life for this MCA man who has provided us such titillating fodder for gossip since last year.

Good luck…

September 15, 2008

ISA arrests, 1 released, reactions and MCA: Malaysiakini

A lot of hooha and angry words were thrown at the government over ISA arrests of the Sin Chew Daily reporter (Tan Hoon Cheng), Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK-Malaysia Today) and YB Teresa Kok (MP Seputeh, ADUN Kinrara). Even poor MCA leaders were scolded (the reporter is Chinese, mah…)

I was also angry until Tan Hoon Cheng was released. Then I found out that I have spent my energy on hot air whilst somebodies did something to get her out.  (sheepish…and a bit malu over my typical over over-reaction. I’m a typical Malaysian, mah. )

The sheepish and malu reaction was due to a friend who sent below to me:



Media Statement by MCA Publicity Bureau chief Dato’ Fu Ah Kiow in response to the ISA arrest of Sin Chew reporter, Sdr Tan Hoon Cheng

Fu Ah Kiow : ISA arrest of reporter bears negative image on Malaysia

Along with all Malaysians, I am shocked with the use of ISA to detain reporters.

This is uncalled for and the Malaysian people are very unhappy. Sin Chew’s Tan Hoon Cheng is only a reporter who is carrying out her duties in reporting.

We see no reason to for the use of ISA in this circumstance. Instead, people have also asked – what about the police investigations into Dato’ Ahmad Ismail ?

This action definitely bears a very negative impact on the image of the country in the international scene and the ISA arrest will invariably affect investor confidence and our economy.

We appeal for calm and stability in the country.

Meanwhile, our MCA President is meeting the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister to seek for Hoon Cheng’s release.

Dato’ Fu Ah Kiow
MCA Publicity Bureau Chief

Source: MCA website


Whilst I spent the 13/9 on hot air, these chaps in MCA worked to get our Hoon Cheng out on 14/9.

Tabik, MCA!

For once, I’m happy to have MCA in the government.

Next time, I’ll check out your MCA website before I waste unneccessarily my Yang energy.

Tired… now this banana needs to go back to sleep.

I’ll come back to worry about RPK and Teresa soon.

September 12, 2008

Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin RPK arrested under ISA

Got this news sms:

12/9: Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin has been arrested under ISA; Home Ministry issues 3 newspapers show cause letters/The Star

What’s very interesting is that Home Ministry also issues 3 newspapers show cause letters – Sin Chew Daily, The Sun and Suara Keadilan.  Mmmmmm….

And so this question this banana would like to pose to our top, big, powerful leaders in the government:

“What’s up with Malaysia now? Where to? Forward or backward?”

Mylivingwall has published an SOS earlier on this:

Joint Press Statement by National Alliance of Bloggers and Centre for Policy Initiatives

SOS on Raja Petra Kamarudin to Fellow Malaysians

During the last few days there has been an ominous and increasing crescendo of messages – written and verbal – indicating the imminent arrest and detention of fellow blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

Read more click here…


Will the Parliament debate on the ISA when it reconvenes after Hari Raya?

August 26, 2008

Permatang Pauh by-election: KL Bookies reduced odds of Anwar

Am on a holiday from yukky, unhygenic backside, dubur, sodomy, liwat, etc kind of politics.

But I could not resist this juicy bit, must share with you all…

Kuala Lumpur bookies have reduced the odds of Anwar Ibrahim winning the Permatang Pauh (P44) by-election by a majority of only 4,000 votes.

Kesian we who betted more…. there goes my future nice holiday.

August 5, 2008

Flippity flop… Ezam can’t and now most probably can

If my memory serves me correctly, Ezam was told he is not qualified to stand for any party posts in UMNO as he has just join (re-join) the body.

So, if he cannot contest for party posts, how come he is qualified to stand as a candidate for a by-election so soon?

How can he be so thick faced to offer himself to be the giant killer at Permatang Pauh? Who in UMNO encourages this guy so?

Looks like there’s more than one unique Mr Flip Flop in UMNO…. or the deadly flippity flop syndrome has hit the whole UMNO Majlis Tertinggi… h o r r o r…

June 29, 2008

Shock 1 by Ong Ka Ting, Shock 2 at Anwar Ibrahim-Malaysiakini

As expected, Ong Ka Ting will not be seeking re-election at MCA’s party election this year. Malaysiakini broke the news yesterday and The Star’s headlines this morning was a shockful one.

What OKT shock?

OKT has been promoting Ong Tee Keat like the brisk wet market fish seller during the MCA state meetings where he gave OTK the honour to answer tough and about the future questions. My MCA insider told me that OTK must now scramble to get many more young members who are intelligent, got some leadership abilities, and know how to reply to emails or join online forums. To get approval from the oldies in the MCA central committee for Presidential seat is easy. To steer MCA in the next General Election, OTK must get younger faces into his team. Otherwise ‘mati katak’ like OKT.

I pity OKT. He started off on a strong footing when Ling Liong Sik gave him the throne. (Yuucck… why la must give President post from one person to another… no standard. Just offer top positions to all members to contest and get them a platform to caucus debate Obama-Hillary style la… then MCA can finally get to choose real solid leaders, not social workers or PR man la.)

Excuse me, digress a bit there.

OK, this OKT started on a healthy footing. Unfortunately, all the bureau programmes reeks of social welfare, business ventures rather than pure political stuff. So outdated and not matching voters’ aspiration. Sure la their customers run away to Pakatan Rakyat’s politics.

If you ask me, if OTK is confirmed as candidate for next MCA President, I will say, we need to do background check on suitability of all the oldies now in the Central Committee. One never knows for sure who will contest at the last minute. Don’t believe? Feel for yourself the hypocrisy, especially those who have vilified or spoke bad about OKT, healthy political culture, etc, here.


Boring already this police report of sodomy. Like 10 years ago, also reported by a young fella. History repeating itself.

One or two explosive twist though. Anwar fought back with a fierce press statement alleging IGP Musa Hasan and AG Gani Patail were the black hand in the first sodomy case.
Sex laws

Personally I don’t give a damn to anyone’s sexual preference. But our archaic Malaysia laws still says that its an offence to sodomise. I don’t know what Syariah law says about sodomy.

Remember 1 Jan 2008 and Chua Soi Lek? An oral thingy got this former Health Minister kicked out. Also because oral sex is still an offence under Malaysia laws.

Perhaps Malaysia need to update its outdated laws that do not fit our current sexual preferences?

But then, in the free USA and Britain, they still sack and pressure their lawmakers to resign if one is caught for sexual misdemenour.

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