Bananachinese’s Weblog

June 11, 2012

Philosophy of new voters registration

Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Parliament, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 3:21 pm

Always, always you hear Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat harping on importance of new voters registration for their party to win the polls. Always, always we hear anecdotes by politicians that registering new voters will add more votes to their party..

Sure or not?

In this age of more heightened human and consumer rights, how can UMNO, MCA, MIC, PAS, DAP, PKR, etc., not realise that most people who aren’t already registered aren’t registered for a reason?

That big reason being they don’t WANT to be registered? That the major reason being they don’t TRUST the political parties to do the lawmaking job effectively?

Consequently, even if you get them to register, it’s going to be tough to get them to actually turn out to vote.

Ain’t that a lot of time and energy wasted for minimal potential return?

Amazing isn’t it, the unthinkingness of our politicians…

July 2, 2011

Yellow mellow in Kuala Lumpur

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Life, Malaysia, news, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 12:00 pm


Friend: BC, aren’t you going to blog on the BERSIH 2 brouhaha at all?

BC: No need, my dear. All the funnies have been spewed out already from Polis DiRaja Malaysia, Najib Razak, UMNO, PAS, Perkasa, MCA, PKR, DAP.

Ain’t nothing else left for me to articulate for the laughing bellies.

And on the harassment against the yellow colour, I’ve been wearing yellow on my skin since birth, nothing else can change me essence.

April 14, 2011

Sarawak and the Chinese connection

Here’s an interesting telling of deep links of Chinese communities in Sarawak influencing the government. If SUPP fail to have a good show in this election to retain whatever seat they still hold in the state assembly, will the Chinese business community of Sarawak say goodbye to their economic pie? Hmmmm…

Sarawak and the Chinese scores

The unique lifestyle and ambience of the localities of Sarawak today is a result from years of goodwill, understanding, cooperation and reciprocity among its indigenous groups with the Chinese.

A visit to the Chinese Museum in Kuching offers an interesting picture of Sarawak’s politics of development over the past 30 years that have risen from the Chinese connection. A tour of this Museum is recommended for all interested to learn and apply the secret of key business successes in order to extend it into the future successes of Sarawak.

The Chinese History Museum, located on the ground of the Kuching Waterfront within a stone throw of the landmark Tua Pek Kong Temple tells an interesting story to visitors to Kuching. According to history, the compact building housing the museum was originally built in 1912 as an administrative centre and the judicial court of the local Chinese, but was taken over by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Kuching in 1921 until the present Museum began in 1993.

For first time oversea visitors to Kuching, the museum showcases the multiplicity aspects of the dialectical make-up of Sarawak Chinese, thus providing a clearer perspective into the make-up of the Chinese psyche.

Inside the Chinese Museum, one can immerse in the history of the arrival of Chinese to Sarawak with old pictures and photographs of the bygone eras. All the dialect groups of the Sarawak Chinese are presented here, from the Hakka, Hokkien, Foochow, Cantonese to other minor groups. History buffs would enjoy soaking up the stories and exhibits while regaling in the success stories and vast contributions of the Chinese community leaders to Sarawak.

One can connect to the hardwork and vision of these early businessmen who applied their shrewd business acumen and understood the importance to develop goodwill and friendship by working closely with the local communities to benefit the Sarawakian economy.

Among the earliest indigenous groups to have contact with the outside world is the Melanau people. The community’s long history, legendary tales and myths add colour to the Mukah locality. Melanaus have produced many notable leaders, including Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, who led Sarawak in modern times as its Chief Minister.

Many have admired and asked how a Melanau, whose community make up only 6% of Sarawak’s population can rise up and more importantly, engineered Sarawak’s development. In this case, the close link between the Chinese with their local indigenous partnership should be celebrated. The Chinese connection and united ethnic groups led by their respective political parties riding on the politics of development concept have brought success to Sarawak in the past 30 years. Its proven historical success is seen as the master key to unlock another interesting phase in Sarawak’s exciting future.

Apart from ongoing infrastructural development like roads and town expansion, Sarawak is embarking on a massive transformation with The Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy or simply known as SCORE, a major initiative undertaken to develop the Central Region and transform Sarawak into a developed State by the year 2020. It aims to achieve the goals of accelerating the State’s economic growth and development, as well as improving the quality of life for the people of Sarawak.

From now until 2016, the support and participation from the people of Sarawak are needed to build critical mass and momentum to trigger development, implement high priority infrastructure projects and manage high priority trigger projects. This presents a new shinning opportunity for the political leader possessing the mandatory experience and political savviness to rein in the close business cooperation of the myriad of Sarawak’s communities up to another level internationally.

By the act of harnessing on the Chinese communities and driven by the concept of politics of development, the world may read of another big success story from Sarawak.

By: Bintang Bulan

March 22, 2011

Porn in public spaces is legal or not in Malaysia?

How can you blame the world for asking?


1. When one can organise an event to watch it?

“Anda jangan bimbang, saya akan memanggil anda selepas jam 2 petang dan memberitahu anda di mana tayangan berikutkan diadakan,” katanya memberi jaminan kepada wartawan yang menunggu di situ, sambil mengumpulkan lagi kad nama daripada mereka yang baru sampai.” read Malaysiakini here

2. When one can issue a public threat to publicly disseminate it?

“Individu yang hanya dikenali sebagai Datuk T dan menganjurkan tayangan video seks kepada media hari ini, menuntut pemimpin utama pembangkang dan isterinya berundur dari politik.” read Malaysiakini here

3. When watching porn is even done in Parliament building?

“Sex tape hits Parliament lounge” read The Malaysian Insider here


I wonder what do the Malaysian law enforcers think of all involved in organising these events?

November 7, 2010

BN and PR lost. Ku Li won Galas by-election

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Malaysia, news, Parliament, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 4:37 pm

For those Malaysians easily drunk on ‘victory’, for the politically uninitiated and for those who thought they know real politiks.

Barisan Nasional component parties have looooong way to go to regain back lost gound prior 308. This is not a time to celebrate, act cocky or thumping of chests. It is not even a victory for them cybertroopers who have no inkling of political ideology in their tweet little universe.

Suffering Pakatan Rakyat and its components PKR, PAS, DAP, have a looooong way to go to reach Putrajaya.

Therefore, to all Malaysia political parties from opposite divides, please go back dutifully to the drawing board and conduct many more cadre trainings for your party members.

Don’t you dare serve us anymore under-qualified or puppet candidates in the next General Election.

July 10, 2010

To do next GE or how to choose your Cabinet Ministers of Malaysia

Had a crazy brainwave after a juicy delicious pear from China (China boleh! Except in football, hehehe).

Ok, we already have a 3 party system in place (3rd party is still wobbly but its there). Shall we the rakyat go another step to test the ability of 1Malaysia to survive the New Economy of 2020?

To step up is so simple. We just need to practice by doing the things we do daily… Yup, just by reading and listening to the news – newspapers, new media, blogs, radio news, talkshows. And, by talking to neighbours, friends at the kopitiam, while shooting pool, fishing, after watching footie, etc.

Then we put ourselves to the test at General Election….. just tick the fella with the most capacity/ability to be a policy making Minister in the Cabinet of Malaysia Government. (regardless of whether they’re from UMNO, MCA, MIC, PKR, DAP, PAS, etc)

You see, every time we voted for a Member of Parliament, indirectly we voted also for a potential Minister of the Cabinet – It is from the pool of Member of Parliaments that the Prime Minister has to choose his team members to sit in the Minister seat.

So, if you’ve ticked the vote box for a silly guy who will raise his toy keris or you’ve voted for an Ah Beng who can’t speak our national language, or a well dressed bumpkin who have absolutely no idea what is national policymaking…. Don’t blame them the stupid ministers for not doing their job. They just weren’t equipped to do ministerial work – they are enjoying the honours of sitting in a nice office because you’ve elevated them into that point of authority to mess up your country’s wealth, education, health and future direction.

Yup, in modern Malaysia, we the voters have voted always for a pool of ministers by elevating the ill-equipped to positions of authority by way of the Peter Principle. (The Peter Principle is the principle that “in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”)

Now, ain’t that a revelation for us dumb dumb voters?

Poor Najib Tun Razak, how now to get the New Economic Model going before the androids consume our employment market?

(Ta…I’m going back for more pears and FIFA finals footie winner analysis.)

April 18, 2010

Hulu Selangor (P.94) by-election

Good to hear that BN is giving chance to first timer contestant and fresh face to election, P. Kamalanathan (MIC information chief).

Good also to hear PKR is fielding Zaid Ibrahim, a former minister in Malaysian government (also previously Kota Bahru MP 2004-8).

Good luck to independent candidates: Johan Mohd Diah and  V.S. Chandran.

It is very interesting to hear both sides of Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat extolling what they think is good and wanted by people of Hulu Selangor.

Dear Hulu Selangorians, are all these representative proclamations made on your behalf good enough to represent what you, the Hulu Selangorians really want?

Would you be easily swayed by people who belittle you on your choice or decision to support a particular candidate?

Would you succumb to wishes of people who feed you rumours, unsubstantiated stories or scandals unrelated to your pursuit of happyness or daily existence as an everyday constituent of Hulu Selangor?

Remember, your decision and who you elect to represent your voice in Parliament as Hulu Selangor MP on the 25 April 2010 is your right to bear.

September 2, 2009

Please? Concede gracefully?

As a voter, I’m sorry to say this, but its getting to be a bit boring with the rerun and recycling of the Perak Assembly convening by the Pakatan Rakyat‘s group.

According to Malaysiakini report:
“The Perak Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives are determined to proceed with their planned state assembly sitting today despite a police order barring anyone from gathering at the state secretariat.”

Will DAP’s Sivakumar, Nga Kor Ming, Ngeh Koo Ham and PAS’s Nizar concede to the political game loss and come back roaring another day to decisively win the state at the next General Election?


Concede gracefully?

So that the people of Perak can be allowed to step back a little bit, take stock of the political play in the state and live their lives normally until when GE13 is near?


May 13, 2009

Party leader promising to act to set things right

Today was a busy day. Trust in politics has been eroded so much over the last week that I knew we needed to act fast to start setting things right. I began by meeting individual members of the Shadow Cabinet. We went through those claims that have caused concern, and they agreed to pay them back. There is a genuine desire to recognise and respond to the public anger.

Next I met the Shadow Cabinet as a whole and told them the immediate action I’m going to ask all my MPs to take. All expenses must be published online; you can’t ‘flip’ your second home to make more money; if you sell a home on which the taxpayer has been making mortgage interest payments, you have to pay Capital Gains Tax; and any claims on furniture, household goods, food – all those things we’ve read about – are banned.

After that I met the Executive of the 1922 Committee and then the whole of the Parliamentary Party. I went through the new rules in detail and told them about the key proposal for a Scrutiny Panel – including someone completely independent from the Party – to go over all excessive claims and see whether they need to be paid back. I had to be very clear about this: if they don’t co-operate with the Scrutiny Panel, they can’t continue to be MPs.

And it’s not just those in Parliament who need to understand this mission. It’s also those who aspire to be. Every single candidate has got to sign up to this new way of doing politics. They need to know that working in Parliament is a great privilege – one that must never be abused again.

All this is about being the change we seek. If we want responsibility in our society and thrift in our government, we’ve got to live by those values ourselves.


A Political Party Leader


Sigh…  no excuses, no spinning or whitewashing in newspapers or online news portal. Just zooming in straight on the problem, then zipping about restoring confidence in people simply by way of plain communication to show voters what action is undergoing and will be done.

How I wish Malaysian political party leader has the character and guts to do this. I don’t care from which party. Doesn’t matter if its a black cat or white cat. If it can catch the rats, it is the good cat. (Hear that, Malaysiakini? Give us both sides of the story too, ok?)

Any takers from UMNO, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, rest of the component parties in Barisan Nasional?

Any takers from PKR, DAP, PAS, rest of the Pakatan Rakyat?

Or am I putting too high a KPI beyond the capacity of Malaysian political leaders???

May 6, 2009

Changing clothes: Nothing new to politicians

Malaysiakini carried this news “Chua could defect ‘within weeks’ from MCA” today.

Well, well, well….

What’s so special about one man jumping ship?

What’s so special about someone jaded from too comfy work environment seeking a new adventure before time forgot about him/her?

Nothing special or new…

In fact we the salarymen/women does this too on a regular basis. Changing clothes, oops, changing employers / work environment / colleagues.

Don’t be shy, admit it lar.

Our brave young ones especially, armed with the ideal of finding job nirwana, do it every yearly or twice yearly. Some impatient ones do it monthly. Got to try one’s luck, mah! Opportunity must be chased! If one is ever so lucky, can strike jackpot, ooops, ideal benefits. Doesn’t matter if the benefit is so much higher and bigger and don’t commensurate at all with one’s inflated talent. Poor mules.

So, perhaps after reflecting over his benefits past, present and future, one cannot begrudge the personal choice of Chua Soi Lek should he decides to proceed switching over from Barisan Nasional to a more meaningful job with new ’employer’ aka job with Pakatan Rakyat (most probably new boss will be Anwar Ibrahim at PKR as DAP‘s young hotshot Nga Kor Ming said a big TAK NAK to the idea of Chua joining DAP).

Indeed, a new work environment may be the potion of second life for this MCA man who has provided us such titillating fodder for gossip since last year.

Good luck…

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