Bananachinese’s Weblog

November 12, 2008

A deft and slick show of political kungfu by Rafidah Aziz

What can I say?

All hail and bow down to Rafidah Aziz, the kungfu and diamond queen of modern day Malaysia politics. Superb show of power. Simply whip up the numbers in Wanita UMNO Exco to browbeat deputy Shahrizat Abdul Jalil into submission.

Luckily, Kamilia Ibrahim took to dodging the Exco meeting. Kamilia is set to speeding on the autobahn to contest Deputy Wanita UMNO post.

Looks like a lame duck Wanita Chief from Jan to June 2009 doesn’t appeal to Kamilia’s taste buds.

Come on, Wanita UMNO! Got no guts, meh? Don’t take wrong advice from men who knows nothing about women power! Najib Razak, please stop those demotivating stance at once! (Malaysiakini)

No guts, no glory…

No glory, no voters…

No voters, wither away and movement die…

Change the ole Wanita recipe of fear of divided camps if contest, etc… Go for change, ladies.

Didn’t Obama gave the world a hint?


March 12, 2008

I voted for Shahrizat, so there! Response from Nurul Izzah awaited.

Boys and girls and readers of Malaysiakini,

Some of you are really hypocrites and don’t practice what you preach. You blah blah blah about equality, respect for people BUT you ridiculed and trampled over my choice to exercise my rights to choose the candidate I am best comfortable with.

Whatever happened to ‘I may not agree with what you say but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it?’

Tsk.. tsk..tsk.

Myself will respect the results of the vote for Lembah Pantai and their collective wisdom.

Will be looking forward to get a response from Nurul Izzah on the questions in earlier post.

March 7, 2008

Any Malaysiakini readers voting in Lembah Pantai?

I wonder if any of these concerns from some voters of Lembah Pantai connect with any of you Malaysiakini readers out there?

Go here.

March 6, 2008

With great regret, it is NO to Nurul Izzah (Anwar Ibrahim)

I received a very big earful from my mom, pop, uncles and aunties when I ask whether they would consider voting for PKR. Recovery, I fear will be a slow job due to the severity of rebukes received. So much for my little foray into real life survey.

Here’s what they scolded me for:

  1. Nurul Izzah has got no track record connecting the dots between local authorities, NGOs, Resident Associations, etc to work the government system. Where’s the testimony of her achievements of such nature before she declared candidacy?
  2. Nurul Izzah has not guaranteed she will be able to handle and work the system to deliver for Lembah Pantai people.
  3. Nurul Izzah has not convinced them – she need to produce a list of do-able things she can deliver for people of Lembah Pantai if elected.
  4. They are not convinced that Nurul Izzah will not relinquish her seat for Anwar Ibrahim.
  5. If they throw their votes for Nurul Izzah, what will happen if she give seat to Anwar because Anwar has not promised any delivery that he will deliver in Lembah Pantai.
  6. Will Nurul Izzah be able to cope with the streneous job of MP for Lembah Pantai? Will she flip flop (eg: running, not running, running for MP) This is a complex, fast moving and very multi-cultural constituency and the businesses here moves fast.
  7. Does Nurul Izzah have a solid team to back her up? Has she set up one already to kick into action immediately if voted in?

And here are more serious questions from my uncle:

  1. Bangsar is jewel in the crown in Lembah Pantai. Some people however, called it Sin City and want to close it down. What is your stand on this?
  2. What will you do with the nightspots that bring in foreign exchange generated from economic activities catering to overseas expatriates?
  3. What do you say about Negara Islam? Will you support Negara Islam?
  4. What do you say about Islamist radicals & terrorists?
  5. What will you say to people who misuse jihad?
  6. What is your commitment to ensure Lembah Pantai will be safe and free from religious bigots or trouble makers?

NB: Due to the seriousnes of this subject to us people of Lembah Pantai, comments from non voters in Lembah Pantai shall not be entertained.

March 3, 2008

Worry about Nurul Izzah (Anwar Ibrahim?)

Share with you concerns from another voter from Lembah Pantai on reading Nurul Izzah’s interview in The Sun yesterday weekend edition. This uncle voter has sms his concerns to friends in Lembah Pantai.

In italics are Nurul Izzah’s statement from the interview and uncle voter’s response in bold.

Some points that really hit the wrong buttons for me this morning as I read the papers. My worries:

“I wouldn’t say that I lack experience. I have first hand experience. That is my advantage.” The experience of fighting for one cause does not equal being able to handle AND deliver the dynamic, contradicting needs of 200,000 people in Lembah Pantai.

“I am in the opposition. I can speak without fear or favour.” Only being able to speak so will not move anything for people in Lembah Pantai. They deserve somebody who will be able to get things moving, done and delivered.

“Shahrizat is in the government also means that she faces a heavier burden to prove to the people what she has done all this while.” If Nurul Izzah had been old enough, she would be able to tell how Shahrizat solved the inefficiencies for Lembah Pantai. To date, thousands of families that have moved out of squatters into proper flats, no more flooding, enjoy more job opportunities (and yes that includes all the PAS and PKR supporters) . If one were to say that Shahrizat has to PROVE anything in regards to what she has done all this while, it truly means that one has NOT done their homework and not travelled the entire of Lembah Pantai. The very LRT station Nurul Izzah stood at to shake hands with the people is a result of Shahrizat working well with many authorities. Don’t tell me Nurul Izzah didn’t realise that!

“What has Shahrizat been doing with all the allocations provided in the past 12 years?” Refer to the answer above. And go read the papers over the past 12 years.

“Why is it that people in certain parts of Lembah Pantai are still in a pathetic living condition?” Spoken like a truly naive young girl. You cannot take note of one area in Lembah Pantai and live in a bubble in regards to its situation. Look around and compare. Also those very people living in the ‘pathetic’ living condition are actually pending moving into flats.

“We do not need an MP with more money, but one with stronger political will.” Evident enough that PKR will not be able to give Lembah Pantai people what they need. Lembah Pantai people are not a tool for PKR’s one cause, but actual people with actual lives. Reality bites: Money is needed to provide the necessities of life. Not JUST political will. Perfect thing though, Shahrizat can give both!

NB: Can’t find this interview in Malaysiakini. I’ll let you know what my family members think of this later.

February 26, 2008

That’s not very nice, Anwar Ibrahim…

My heart is broken.

2 lovely female calon asking for my vote. Shahrizat the veteran lawmaker and Nurul Izzah the freshie idealist.

One would be forgiven for thinking that it be a woman vs woman political contest. No problem.

Until on nomination day… I saw Anwar Ibrahim outside the Bangsar Sports Complex. And then I heard Malaysiakini, radio, internet and newspapers telling me that my beloved Lembah Pantai is now the hottest seat this GE.

No…! No more plain woman vs woman fair contest. It’s now man against woman.

This is not fair, Anwar. It’s not fair to Nurul Izzah to put her through this. It’s also not fair to put Lembah Pantai voters in a spot, to take them away from well loved Shahrizat.

I’m not happy with this development. Not at all.

February 1, 2008

Your candidates this coming general election


Take note if you vote in these constituencies.

Make sure you check these candidates out, just to make sure for the next 5 years, you don’t live to regret what might have been:

Perak – Tapah parliament seat: Ong Ka Chuan 

Wilayah Persekutuan – Seputeh parliament seat: Ling Li Feei

Selangor – PJ for one of the ADUN seat: Victor Gu Chen Peow

The list is ok for now, unless MCA does the musical chairs and shuffles them candidates.

P/S: Heard rumour that SIL Khairy J is either going for Rembau or Lembah Pantai !!!

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