Bananachinese’s Weblog

March 14, 2010

Of MCA, hitmen, cleaning up cyber off lies and slander before GE

Tourism Malaysia wishes to clarify that currently there is no new contract yet been sealed with any party with regard to the global buy advertising campaign 2010, as claimed by the writer – Malaysia New Kid On Blog, Wednesday, March 10, 2010. For the record, the process and procedures in terms of procurement for advertising is carried out in accordance to Financial Procedures.

Wan Zawawi Mohammed
Communications & Publicity
Tourism Malaysia

The above statement really piqued my curiosity. What a nice surprise to my Sunday morning: A government ministry issuing just that to clarify fact, re-butt an unsubstantiated story whilst stressing their adherence to financial policy for public record.

Thumbs up to Ministry of Tourism. This is a good sign of responsiveness when a government ministry practice such swift response to an alleged ‘true story’ published on the internet.

A blog writer ‘Malaysia New Kid On Blog (alias mynkob)’ whose ‘true’ article was published on Raja Petra’s website Malaysia-Today tells a story of “If Dato Mirza fails to comply with Ruzi’s order, Ruzi will punish Dato Mirza”.

Hmmm, the name Dato’ Mirza seems familiar. Intrigued, I did some fact finding on this Dato’ Mirza character to find out more.

I found out that Dato’ Mirza Mohd Taiyyab (Director General of Tourism Board Promotion Board) is well respected by his staff and regarded as a straightforward civil servant who’d stick to procedures despite solicitations of ‘businessmen’ hungry for shortcut to contract.

According to a fellow blogger, “When Datuk Mirza was first charged in Court, almost his entire Tourism Ministry Staff came to Court to show support. The Ministry’s Sports Club or Union or something also held a Sembahyang Hajat for him. Mirza was well known as a “strict and straight by the book, no nonsense DG of Tourism”. His forte was saying NO.”

That this Dato’ Mirza came out jubilant in court with his reputation intact is one evidence of his worthiness as an upright government servant that rakyat want so much to see nowadays.

If this story by mynkob were true, one would find it queerly out of character for the experienced Dato’ Mirza to now suddenly kow tow to ‘threats’ from a mere Managing Director from Sen Media Sdn. Bhd and not have the fellow reported to the authorities.

I’m curious about the state of mind of the writer mynkob. Was his motive to again hit and slander also the DG who is entrusted to run a no-nonsense tightship for his current boss lady minister Ng Yen Yen?

Could business rivalry or jealousy be one of the reasons for the writer’s attempt to slander the DG, his hardworking lady boss and the well performing Tourism Ministry?

And for mynkob to link the story to MCA – it is just too wild for this rational mind.

Every MCA central delegate worth his/her salt knows that the fight and MCA party polls is all about its top 2 ‘leaders’. The rest of the leaders like Vice President Ng Yen Yen, etc, are status quo as their internal party voters have never objected to them continuing as the Central Committee until the next one due in 2011.

Aiyah! If the MCA party polls can generate such hateful and libelous writings in the internet, BN would have one hell of a headache to think of how best to hide all these self inflicted injurious scabs when this Barisan Nasional component party goes out to campaign in the next General Election.

It’s better for MCA quickly get a strategist to clean up the cyber mess their hitman writers left all over the internet before MCA goes to campaign for the next GE under BN banner.

I can also think of friends who would naturally adapt all these juicy stuff to boost image of their party vs BN. All is fair in love and war, baby. And be mindful that the aim is not to be the biggest loser.

Hmmmm…. how the mind doth boggles at all theories and political implications brought on by just one article in the internet.

September 10, 2009

Rise of the SDs… Let the third man speak?

Commenting on the case of the statutory declaration made by private investigator P. Balasubramaniam linking Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak with Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu, Bar Council president Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan said the statutory declaration was made in accordance with the procedure and sealed by a Commissioner of Oaths.

“A statutory declaration is a document that contains evidence given on oath. It is sworn before a commissioner for oaths. As in the case of all evidence given under oath, it cannot be withdrawn,” she said.

Ah… me just experienced a nostalgic moment re-living the Malaysia’s famous statutory declaration.

Nostalgic moment is re-lived again when I read Raja Petra‘s article from Malaysia-Today:

Did he or didn’t he? Let the third man speak

“Did the MCA president, Ong Tee Keat, receive RM10 million in cash from Kuala Dimensi’s Tiong King Sing? Ong says noTiong says yes. That means we need a third person to tell us which of the two is telling the truth. And that third person should be the one who packed the money and acted as the courier between the two.”

And so, we readers were regaled with a copy of a sworn statement by Tiong’s dutiful assistant, an Encik Azman Bin Abdul Rahman, who works in Tiong’s Political Department in Kuala Lumpur and Sarawak.

My impression was here’s a very time wasting effort. Why did the dude make a sworn statement in front of a lawyer?

Why did he not make a stab directly at the heart of the matter by making a real Statutory Declaration in front of a Commissioner of Oath? Does Tiong needs a strong collaborator for his Kuala Dimensi SB case, or doesn’t he?

Bloodhound, a commentator at Malaysia-Today made an astute observation:

Bloodhound, September 09, 2009 01:06:23

“This third party’s sworn statement may not be as concrete as made out to be especially if the person is still under the employment of Tiong King Sing because we all know that there is not much a BN warlord cannot do that law enforcers will not look the other way especially those with deep pockets.

An independent third party’s statement will be a better and more meaningful declaration.

Moreover, the sworn statement is dated 22nd August 2009 which means that it just recently signed which merely signifies that Tiong King Sing is pulling out all stops in order to pin the charge against Ong.

Probably, the person is told by his employer to make the statement in order to lend support to their effort to incriminate Ong or to damage his reputation. Employees of an interested party do not really provide strong support in tandem with their employer’s claims.

Now, regardless whether the events did or did not happen at all, the damage is already done and they are going for the jugular. Let’s see what Ong can come up with to counteract the claims.”

BananaC did some research and came up with some findings and… drumroll… ta da!…..

Under the ACT 13 STATUTORY DECLARATIONS ACT 1960 (REVISED – 1969), it must be signed before a Sessions Court Judge, Magistrate or Commissioner for Oaths (which it was not in this case, as it was signed in front of an advocate and solicitor).

Somemore, there’s a standard format for SD.

This “Witness Statement” ‘tak power’ lar.

Let’s hope Ali, Ah Chong and Muthu are not confusing this “Witness statement” as the sexy Statutory Declaration.


December 16, 2008

I hate monopoly, the Supremme bullying kind of business ~Malaysiakini

I absolutely respect democracy, in its many forms.

But I absolutely hate monopolies.

It makes life harder and makes us feel very small because the monopolies treat us like we’re dum dums.

I hate monopolies galore in Malaysia today which takes away my right to have choices. I hate these monopolies:

1. Electricity
2. Telecoms
3. Water

Some of you guys may say I’m stupid to complain, cos there’s nothing I can do about it, those are essentials, lar.

What about those private companies which are making loads off us taxpayers? Them private companies monopolying:

1. Health check up foreign workers (Fomema)
2. Public/private vehicles inspection (Puspakom)

You can top up somemore on this menu at your pleasure, please…


And what’s this I’m hearing now? This about to be grand big monopoly company, after crying and complaining to Najib Tun Razak, is now wanting to sue the government for 50million? And wants to sue another 100million from the Transport Ministry and its Minister?

What has it done to justify this mega suit? Maybe this Supremme wants to try to break Vincent Tan’s mega suit record?

Seems to me this Supremme Systems Sdn Bhd sure ain’t got a patriotic soul (hey, if you recall, our economy’s in some kind of economic crisis now, can’t afford to spare some dimes for this?). But I’m sure it’s gonna be looking forward to be so damn rich with miniscule effort as it sure looks like aiming to take big money out of our country’s kitty based on the reason ‘loss of potential income’.

Looking back, if the e-Kesihatan contract award to Supremme goes as planned to run medical check-ups on commercial drivers, would it have averted our road accidents? Would this be the ONE factor to bring down Malaysia’s horrific road accidents?

We would be stupid to think so, knowing very well that  us smiley Malaysians turn from nice Dr. Jekylls into the most terrifying versions of Mr Hydes at a steering wheel. Mind you, we’re as normal as can be except when we’re gripped by the evil steering wheel. I wonder how e-Kesihatan would have trace that phenomenon. Maybe it has placed an order for a super duper mind bending machine to brainwash drivers during medical checkups before certifying them fit for the road. Hehehe….

Anyway taxpayers, better be prepared for the worse. We can start to wave away our MYR50 million + MYR100 million, Goodbye. And we can start to expect lesser funds distribution to the poor in coming hard times. All because some company wants its compensation for loss of potential income (off us taxpayers, mind you!).

Poor Malaysians.

November 20, 2008

Chua Soi Lek challenging Islam Hadhari government

What do you think is Chua Soi Lek’s true intention in politics? He wants revenge at all costs to get back to being a minister, even sacrificing his beloved party and Barisan Nasional’s Islam Hadhari government? After 20 years in big man politics, the poor guy must be having terrible viagra withdrawal to renegade on his big man’s honourable words.

Here’s what another blogger is saying about Chua Soi Lek (and no, you can’t find this juice in Malaysiakini or Raja Petra’s Malaysia Today):


Islam Hadhari: Punca sebenar Chua Soi Lek tidak boleh memegang jawatan menteri kerajaan Barisan Nasional

“Kami akan tetap meyokong kepimpinan YAB Perdana Menteri dan YAB Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan sebagai ahli MCA biasa, saya akan tetap taat setia kepada MCA…

Walaupun saya tidak memegang jawatan mulai daripada hari ini saya akan tetap bersama-sama dengan kawan seperjuangan saya di dalam parti MCA.

Sebagai seorang ahli parti yang sudah memegang jawatan dalam kerajaan hampir 20 tahun, kami tetap menyokong kerajaan Barisan Nasional.

Lepas saya buat perakuan, saya berharap rakyat Malaysia boleh terima saya punya permohonan maaf tetapi malangnya daripada feedback yang saya terima, saya perhatikan rakyat Malaysia tak boleh terima. Rakyat Malaysia sebahagiannya bersikap apa yang dikatakan ‘holier than thou’, makna dia semua ulamak lah…

Kalau saya terus memegang jawatan dalam parti atau kerajaan, ia akan menjadikan satu bebanan kepada kerajaan dan parti, khasnya dalam konteks Islam Hadhari dan juga dalam konteks apa yang disarankan oleh presiden saya, ‘healthy political culture’…

Bahawa saya berpendapat, sesiapa yang melakukan kesilapan atau kerana kelemahan-kelemahan tertentu, maka dia sebagai pemimpin kena bertanggungjawab. Dan saya sudah tampil ke hadapan berdepan dengan bukan hanya pemimpin negara dan parti bahkan dengan rakyat jelata. Nampaknya tidak boleh diterima. So dengan itu saya ingat lebih baik kepada saya dan keluarga saya, untuk kami letakkan jawatan supaya saya tidak menjadikan satu beban kepada kepimpinan negara.”

dari Malaysiakini

di sini

Apa yang disarankan oleh Islam Hadhari? Klik di sini

Tahukah anda?

Reaksi PAS dan ahli-ahli Pakatan Rakyat… sebenarnya pun tidak boleh terima Chua Soi Lek… Ketua Wanita PKR Zuraida Kamarudin juga mahu Soi Lek dilucutkan jawatan menteri kerana aksinya tidak bermoral dan memalukan negara.

Youtube di sini.


Kini, setelah berjaya meraih jawatan Timbalan Presiden MCA Chua Soi Lek pulak mengugut Presiden MCA Ong Tee Keat supaya mengajukan nama Soi Lek sebagai Menteri kepada kerajaan Islam Hadhari yang telah menolaknya terlebih dahulu akibat pendedahan video seks terkenal.

Apa dah jadi, Soi Lek?

Ketagihan kuasa itu sudah menular kembali ke sehingga janji menghormati kerajaan Islam Hadhari itu boleh diketepikan begitu sahaja?

October 15, 2008

Worst along bank in Malaysiakini: Najib’s brother’s CIMB wins award

Anybody using Direct Access/Southern Bank/CIMB Bank credit card – beware of Nazir Razak’s bank!

If you are late even 1 day making payment you will be slapped with 1% penalty on total outstanding.

If eg your o/s balance is 10k, you will kena $100 max penalty.

My friend came back from holiday and was late 5 days in payment. The nice legal along bank slapped him nicely with the penalty. When he called the bank to ask if this is approved by Bank Negara, the customer service just answered that it is the Bank policy.

My friend ask me to convey this:

“Please warn your friends and family, avoid this credit cards along bank.”


p/s: I wonder if this is along activity is sanctioned by Bank Negara?  Najib Razak, do you know anything about this bullying activity?

Malaysiakini, are you going to help find out why CIMB hungry for the blood of their trapped credit card holders?

September 15, 2008

ISA arrests, 1 released, reactions and MCA: Malaysiakini

A lot of hooha and angry words were thrown at the government over ISA arrests of the Sin Chew Daily reporter (Tan Hoon Cheng), Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK-Malaysia Today) and YB Teresa Kok (MP Seputeh, ADUN Kinrara). Even poor MCA leaders were scolded (the reporter is Chinese, mah…)

I was also angry until Tan Hoon Cheng was released. Then I found out that I have spent my energy on hot air whilst somebodies did something to get her out.  (sheepish…and a bit malu over my typical over over-reaction. I’m a typical Malaysian, mah. )

The sheepish and malu reaction was due to a friend who sent below to me:



Media Statement by MCA Publicity Bureau chief Dato’ Fu Ah Kiow in response to the ISA arrest of Sin Chew reporter, Sdr Tan Hoon Cheng

Fu Ah Kiow : ISA arrest of reporter bears negative image on Malaysia

Along with all Malaysians, I am shocked with the use of ISA to detain reporters.

This is uncalled for and the Malaysian people are very unhappy. Sin Chew’s Tan Hoon Cheng is only a reporter who is carrying out her duties in reporting.

We see no reason to for the use of ISA in this circumstance. Instead, people have also asked – what about the police investigations into Dato’ Ahmad Ismail ?

This action definitely bears a very negative impact on the image of the country in the international scene and the ISA arrest will invariably affect investor confidence and our economy.

We appeal for calm and stability in the country.

Meanwhile, our MCA President is meeting the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister to seek for Hoon Cheng’s release.

Dato’ Fu Ah Kiow
MCA Publicity Bureau Chief

Source: MCA website


Whilst I spent the 13/9 on hot air, these chaps in MCA worked to get our Hoon Cheng out on 14/9.

Tabik, MCA!

For once, I’m happy to have MCA in the government.

Next time, I’ll check out your MCA website before I waste unneccessarily my Yang energy.

Tired… now this banana needs to go back to sleep.

I’ll come back to worry about RPK and Teresa soon.

September 12, 2008

Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin RPK arrested under ISA

Got this news sms:

12/9: Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin has been arrested under ISA; Home Ministry issues 3 newspapers show cause letters/The Star

What’s very interesting is that Home Ministry also issues 3 newspapers show cause letters – Sin Chew Daily, The Sun and Suara Keadilan.  Mmmmmm….

And so this question this banana would like to pose to our top, big, powerful leaders in the government:

“What’s up with Malaysia now? Where to? Forward or backward?”

Mylivingwall has published an SOS earlier on this:

Joint Press Statement by National Alliance of Bloggers and Centre for Policy Initiatives

SOS on Raja Petra Kamarudin to Fellow Malaysians

During the last few days there has been an ominous and increasing crescendo of messages – written and verbal – indicating the imminent arrest and detention of fellow blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

Read more click here…


Will the Parliament debate on the ISA when it reconvenes after Hari Raya?

August 5, 2008

The analysis on MCA that Malaysiakini didn’t have (Part II)

Mary really brightened up my day with this analysis on MCA that Malaysiakini didn’t have. Love this Part II insight on the fish heads.

I will vote for you Mary dear, even if you are an MCA member… just promise me you will take the greatest care to select the best fish head for dinner… We can have a cosy threesome dinner, if you can get Ong Tee Keat to join us (puuurrrrrr….)

Here’s a bit of Mary’s titillating serving…


If you ask most old timer members “Who was the most important President of MCA?” they’d most likely say “Tan Cheng Lock”. But if you asked young MCA members the same question they’d likely to answer “Ong Ka Ting”.

Why Ong Ka Ting? Why not Tan Siew Sin, Tan Koon Swan, Lee San Choon, Ling Liong Sik?

Simple. The post Merdeka born and i-pod generation connect with the present Ong Ka Ting. It doesn’t matter if he has not won a Nobel Prize for peace. Living in the now, he’s the current in-power who is conveniently identifiable with their chase for lofty lifelong pursuits.

Perhaps, Ong Ka Ting could have a chance at the Nobel Prize, had he been more aggressive in pushing the limits of Barisan Nasional’s tolerance to seriously infect fellow rakyat Malaysia with a new healthy political culture.

Anyway… If MCA members have to find that one thing to remember Ong Ka Ting at all, he would be remembered for quietly demonstrating to Malaysia that constraining the MCA top dog’s perpetual officialdom through term limitation is possible. Constricting the Ministers and State Assemblymen’s perpetual reign is also possible.

As a result, Ong Ka Ting earned himself a place in MCA’s history and a first in Malaysia’s politics. He solved an MCA problem of the ‘rotting fish head’ syndrome which brought down his predecessor.

Unfortunately, the recently concluded Divisional election brought up another aspect of the ‘rotting fish head’ syndrome.

You see, living in the MCA virtual blue ocean, are the giant whales (Central Committee members aka big fish heads), the schools of middle sized fishes (Divisional Chairmen aka middle school fish heads) and the huddled up tiny sized fish minnows which hide among the stones (Members aka tiny fish heads).

Sadly, Ong Ka Ting has forgotten to solve the problem of the middle school’s rotting fish heads.

To get yourself a full course of Mary’s fish head, click the following title:
Fish heads blocking MCA’s convalescence

July 12, 2008

The analysis on MCA that Malaysiakini didn’t have

Such an interesting article I found published here. Much more titillating than Malaysiakini’s analysis because it has the potential to go into Part II, III, etc – if this MCA insider zooms the microscope to tell us about the problem ‘makers’.

Tell us who caused MCA to tumble big time, Mary! Are they the Division people? Are they the Division/State chairmen or committees? What are these people’s modus operandi? Pretty please?

This is what Mary wrote (reproduced below). I suspect its the Part I of more to come:

It’s no secret that MCA’s young and bright members are being courted by Pakatan Rakyat (PR). PR needs talents to help its political future.

For purpose of this discussion, I shall use the term ‘Faiths’ to describe the young and bright members of MCA and use the term ‘Comfortables’ for those already installed comfortably in the MCA central, state or division committees. Most, if not all of the Comfortables have been there for some terms already, some since 1970s.

Faiths are those neglected 3rd liners, members who have the fire in their belly. They think as Malaysians, not ‘Chinese’ Malaysians. They are exposed to global ideas and understand the demands of shifting political, economics and social environment worldwide. These young men and women, below the age of 40, have been exposed to progressive systems and ethics through their working experiences with MNCs or GLCs. They speak Malay and English fluently, perhaps some Mandarin. They are aware of the conversations that is going on in the cyberspace and probably operates a blog or more. They have faith in the party’s constitution but lack faith in the unresponsive political style of party old guards. But most of all, Faiths hunger for a system of leadership progression.

Faiths watch how elected representatives perform and cringe in despair over the Comfortables lack in lawmaking.

Comfortables prefer to focus on NGO activities – providing ‘service’ to help people fill out forms, apply permits/approvals, attending to family disputes, pointing their fingers at clogged drains, dirty river, etc. Comfortables were not known to initiate amendment or change to archaic laws or by-laws. Most unfortunately, Comfortables were not heard voicing out ideas or even to engage the rakyat’s input meaningfully in efforts to resolve policies. There was no move or initiatives by the Comfortables to systematically or substantively groom new and current members as party’s future leaders.

Young members know the ‘fact’ that these towkays have not shaken off ‘top-down’ propagandist methodologies to shove, oops, promote their viewpoints. Towkay Comfortables operate with outdated one-way communication in this age of engagement. It is very difficult, nay, nearly impossible to get Comfortables to engage in debates without relegating it into a propaganda session. Ask thinking members, how very difficult it is to try to get them to address policy issues. Most of the time, inquisitive members were treated to the usual ‘tai chi’ avoidance maneuvers.

Sad fact, but it is perceived as true by most members and the public that Comfortables lack ideas and strategy to deal with the changed political landscape. Some may dispute this by saying that the Comfortables have organized many, many activities. Sure. But how these activities contribute to the
political survival of the Party is lost on me. Look at the often used one off publicity gimmicks such as giving away gifts to the poor, organizing dinners or exhibitions. All promoted in the name of service. Most people suspect that free publicity was the ultimate objective for some organizers.

The important question of how do such techniques result in a long term return for the Party were never addressed. I haven’t heard the Comfortables fighting for a leadership bureau to train all members up as future Obama. For me, if a political party has no plan to make leaders out of its members, it has no dream. It has no place in the political arena.

Back to the problem of the Faiths. Although disadvantaged as ‘servicemen’, Faiths know they have a distinct advantage over the installed Comfortables. Faiths are articulate, curious for discourse and solutions to progressive politics, policies and brave enough to participate in addressing hard issues such as Article 121(A). Faiths are not afraid to engage in discussion on national politics with opposition parties. And Faiths keep on banging their heads against the great wall system designed by the Comfortables to keep them out.

One clear message from the 2008 General Election is that Malaysians want progressive lawmakers. Election candidates with strong service background were rejected in the political tsunami along with ‘ineffective’ MPs who were unable/failed to speak up on issues or demonstrated inability to articulate policies.

I say again, MCA is in the business of politics. Therefore it cannot run away from meeting the higher demands and standards of the electorate. The electorate market has indicated a future demand for lawmakers.

Good news is, supply is not short within the party membership. MCA just need to legitimize an internal system to churn up the Faiths, separate the servicemen from lawmakers.

The era of the Comfortables as lawmakers has ended. MCA can still use them by re-designating them to concentrate their specialty as Local Councillors. But for immediate action, just unleash talents of the Faiths to take on the role of lawmakers.

Party members! This party election, make a conscientious decision in casting your vote. Allegiance to Comfortables is less important than saving the party. It is indeed a troublesome choice, but unleashing Faith is the best bet to steer MCA through the uncharted political seas ahead. The leadership better take heed.

May 19, 2008

CheDet resigns from UMNO!


Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad announced at 12:35pm today from Alor Setar that he resigns from UMNO. Reason for resignation as a protest against PM Dato’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

No wonder his voice was not steady during the interview with Bernama on topic of Lingam Tape Royal Inquiry where Tun M said go on, investigate. The man must have been angry, terribly angry at this undignified political slap in the face.

And so, today, in his resignation announcement, Tun M also invites other UMNO members to resign. BUT, not to join other political parties…

Like this blogger here, I suspect we shall see a revival of Semangat 46 or a rebranded one as Semangat 88 soon?

Wonder what the other members of the component parties in Barisan Nasional must be thinking now. Uneasy? Happy with respite from heat as UMNO is now in the full blast of the super trooper and will be indulging in it for some time?

Students of politics, please take this golden opportunity to learn top skillful political play from the best of the best, ok?



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