Bananachinese’s Weblog

August 21, 2017

Developers beware…

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Life, Malaysia, Uncategorized — bananachinese @ 10:14 pm

All strata properties residential or commercial purchasers and owners must know their basic rights…

Even mobile hand phone companies have to handover a good product to consumers. If got defects, need to do product recall or replace.

Why hor, those people who buy properties are so unwilling to stand up for their rights and suffer the irresponsible developers? Not even dare to stand up even though developer never establish proper accounts or JMB? (Joint Management Body). Aisay, you purchasers all are protected by law, so use your rights, please

It pays to know the facts on strata title, man…


December 19, 2014

How to remove embarrassing hair on your face and body

Filed under: Life — bananachinese @ 8:24 am

Apparently this ancient formula will do the trick….  Don’t know how to go about burning those nut shells myself.

If you succeeded giving the wave off to them nasty undelectable hairs, let me know, ya.

March 17, 2014

Henrik Clausen CEO of Digi Telecommunications… is this still true?

Filed under: Announcement, Life, Malaysia, Repair — Tags: , , , , — bananachinese @ 12:07 am

No. No. No. I’m not going to write anything about Malaysia’s MH370 nor comment on Najib Razak’s government’s handling of the issue.

Anyways, talking about communication…..

Heard a lot of complaints on Digi nowadays and found below comment about Digi service from the internet.

Hey Henrik, is this still a problem for Digi now?


Suganthi Ramalingam (Sue):
DiGi Telecommunications why the yellow man not following me anymore.. out of 10calls, 8calls are dropping. Service is really bad. I am searching high and low for signal everywhere I go. Please follow me, so that I can get good signal.. I miss you yellow man.. Where are you. I need you very badly 😦

Digi’s reply:
Hi all, we’re aware of the outage and our engineers are currently troubleshooting the problem. We’d like thank you for your patience while we restore our services
Hi – Can you please restart your phone to acquire the signal again?

To which, there was no reply to.

Suganthi Ramalingam (Sue):
DiGi Telecommunications i restart my phone every day and nothing helps.. this issue have been going on the last few weeks… previously it was only at Nusaputra, Puchong then even in Cyberjaya the problem is occurring. Even those ppl in Seremban are also having this issues. I am from Technical line,.. so please do not give me some suggestions/solution, just to keep me occupied or to keep me happy.. we all know very well you have capacity and bandwith issues. And so called upgrades you are doing at your end is not serving the purpose either. Its either the UAT is not done properly, change is not raised properly or the upgrades are being carried in a haphazard manor I do not know. Either way, you guys needs to do proper Capacity Mgmt, carry out proper UAT and implement proper Change Mgmt processes. majority of your subscribers are not happy with the current service. Just cause they are quiet doesnt mean they are happy, some just port to another carrier or just to frustrated to even say anything. Humble advise, pls establish a quick response team who can work round the clock and have the “Service Improvement plan” drafted out for service restoration, otherwise you are going to loose more clients than you already did… I have been very faithful to the yellow man, it’s been 9years. we have been having a very very long and faithful relationship.. As much as possible, i would love to remain with the yellow man, but if you guys do not fix the issue, guess, I need to look elsewhere, probably the blue or orange man…..

My comments:
We are in the era of smartphones, technically, we do not really need reboot/restart our phones. Even when are signals are at full bar, the problem does happen. Here again, what we are we expecting is not a nimble answer but more for Digi to admit that they are having issues, that you are doing everything you can restore the services. Add more signal towers or signal boosters Malaysia wide, if you have to. Do what it takes, let your customers know, give us a timeline, announce it on tv, FB, media. A real leader has the courage and has the capacity to admit the problems they have and at the same time, has teh confidence and tell us, stay with us, be patient with us, we will get this done. This will prove Digi to be a strong competitor, a responsible provider and a company who cares for their customers and ensures a long lasting trust relationship with the customer. Throw a freebie if you have to. This is where your loyal customers are born, this is where you make your name in the market. I am working for a huge MNC service provider company and I know how tedious is it to keep your customers happy. When there is an outage or service delivery issues, I know how much effort it takes to get that vote of confidence back. Never the less, that is what Service Provider industries are about. Whether you are a Telco, some big MNC company or small time retailers, it is only about one thing, KEEPING YOUR CUSTOMERS HAPPY, at all cost. Your customers either “Break you or Make you”. If you do not take care of your customers, they will run off to other service provider thus affecting the trust we have for Digi not to mention in the drop of sales. Then you will re-invent the wheel and go through a sales frenzy, lower your cost and try to win back the hearts and the cycle continues.

When you CARE for your customers, they will remain with you, no matter how bad the situation can be, cause we know you care and this is just a temporary glitch and you will make the ammendments, the soonest you can, cause you are RELIABLE. And you would definitely win the hearts of millions of Malaysian’s and people will sign up with Digi no matter what the price is and stick by you. That is the difference between a company that is just doing a business for profit sake and a company that still makes a profit but with the needs of the customers, well taken care of. Who you think will win this battle? Who you think, will make profit and emerge as a leader?
The world is emerging and with the Internet hype, and introduction of VoIP, and the emergence of Lync, Skype and Viber, video conferecing and etc.. etc.. things are either getting cheaper or technically “free”, by the minute and if Digi is to stand all and still able to make a profit, you gotta do someting different, think different. Care for your customers and you will win our VOTES and our HEARTS and our MONEY.

Suganthi Ramalingam
Been faithful to the yellow man the last 9years, don’t make me change. I Love the “Yellow Man”

December 25, 2013

BR1Mful of relief but none for struggling Malaysia SME middle class

Filed under: Economy, Government, Life, Malaysia, Media — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 7:12 pm

Here we go again… handout time again.

Good intention, but why not the government of Barisan Nasional think about really giving a useable lifeline to those who can and able to better generate the economy so that those who always received BR1M will not be needing it anymore cos they already can fend for themselves?

Damnit… Why don’t the Najib Razak government give a fishing line to those who will fish, not just handing out them fishes whenever you like it to those marhean to shore up some political uppance over some pakatan! Come to think of it, BR1M is like a shade of UB40

Maybe Najib Razak and his cabinet of the wealthy ministers enjoying annual overseas holidays (on the rakyat’s charge) really do not know the reality on the ground.

Maybe Idris Jala too engrossed with the labs (brings to mind those poor lab rats, sacrificed for somebody’s need to play, oops, experiment). Maybe Pemandu‘s GPS is malfunctioned. One silly elite rich minister also likes study labs… (duh, you mean, you know nothing about your people’s misery until you get installed as Minister, set up labs to test them mice?)

Makes you wonder if BN has really lost it and will be lost forever…

Ain’t it more helpful and more realistic to just allow 15% early EPF withdrawal for those 45 to 49 years old. This more helpful and value added to this group who contributes most to SME middle class economic survival in hard economic times. BRIM is no use to economically aid this entrepreneurially inclined group, don’t the Najib Razak government know?

Hey PM, your economic advisors better not ignore this important group, or your political advisors will have a losing time coming GE.

Germany Deutsche Boerse NYSE

I offer you this FOC advice so that BN can kill 2 birds with one stone. Show some love to your middle class and at the same time you prove to the world that there are still funds in KWSP. That’ll will shut up your detractors.

And we rakyat will have our share of fun watching both sides working really hard for real to win our love.

April 19, 2013

GE13 Malaysia – Don’t sulk just go independent

Malaysians were entertained with some comic relief from those who were not picked by their BN or Pakatan Rakyat political parties as calon for GE13.

Some Malaysians were turned off by these dropped aspirants who brought their little coterie of friends to protest against their parties’ choice.

“Serdang MCA division is up in arms over what it says is the plan of the BN headquarters to field a candidate for the Serdang parliamentary seat. Chinese dailies have speculated that Liew Yuen Keong’s camp is in conflict with party members loyal to former Serdang MCA division chief Yap Pian Hon.”

Hmmmm…. what happened to the declarations such as “I’m loyal to my XYZ party”, “I am doing servicing because I sincerely care”. You lot just disclosed to the whole world that all this time you all were really not doing whatever community work for the sake of the community’s betterment.

Eh, kurang asam… all these time taking free rides using party machinery to push for their personal advantage.

If these people think they are worthy of being elected, these people should just resign from their respective political party, fork out own money to fund their own candidacy as independents.

Don’t la play the sulking baddie and sabotage your own parties’ operations centres… Boleh?

“The division had threatened to boycott the election campaign if it was resolved that Wangsa Maju Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Mohd Shafei Abdullah were to replace division chief Datuk Yew Teong Look.”

Latest I heard some Subang Jaya friends said that Ong Chong Swen is also going to show her displeasure over being dropped as calon for N31 Subang Jaya. In what way, I wonder. I hope this ex-teacher will not show a bad example to mothers. Shame if this Wanita MCA central committee member behave so.

Selfish and hungry for personal fame, I wonder if their own party members will care to vote for them in coming party elections after the GE.

Ong Tee Keat n Ong Chong Swen

MCA’s Ong Tee Keat and Wanita MCA’s Ong Chong Swen

While we are on this topic, will this MCA man Ong Tee Keat be standing as an independent in Pandan constituency?

January 25, 2013

These kids are what adults should be made up of

Filed under: Citizenry, Family, Life — Tags: , , , , — bananachinese @ 12:31 am

Why get all fussy or worked up over Malaysia’s 13th General Election when you can get all teary eyed over such good for the soul stories like this?–abc-news-topstories.html

Good Morning America - Homecoming Surprise for Tennessee Teen ABC News

“This is a welcome break from all the garbage in the news!! These are some fine young people!”


January 9, 2013

About the rape in India

Filed under: Citizenry, Forum, Government, Life, Politics — Tags: , , , , , — bananachinese @ 1:52 pm

Rama Sita

I read an interesting article on The New York Times Op-Ed “The Unspeakable Truth About Rape In India” and found an interesting comment from a reader about India.

Read and tell me about your reaction to below commentator.

Comment from: Cleanup from U.S.

“Crime like rapes etc are the result of lawlessness and political corruption in India. It is clear now, protests marches do not work as they are easily crushed the same way India’s Anti corruption movement was crushed.

The main curse of India is this- the country has been ruled by old, uneducated, inefficient, corrupt politicians who consider themselves lords and masters since the British left.

The opposition is the same.

The Prime Minister is educated but is unable to think outside the box.

Every project, every deal allows the politicians to collect huge cuts and the citizens end up with lousy deals, crumbling roads and infrastructure. Scam after scams are revealed only to be hushed up. Giving and taking kickbacks have been perfected to an art form and no one gets caught.

The politicians , public servants and their relatives are some of the richest in the world. It’s time the world comes to know the truth and hopefully these politicians would feel some shame for what is happening to this land of a billion plus people.

India needs massive doses of new blood,-educated modern thinking to be injected into the government. Indians must encourage educated result oriented, people from the private sector to join politics. If not this cancer of corruption, lawlessness will destroy this country. India is now one of the the largest kleptocracies in the world.”


October 30, 2012

Plastic hot bodies

Filed under: Family, Life, Malaysia — Tags: , , , — bananachinese @ 4:15 pm

Malaysians have not learned the word ‘leaching’.

Go to your favourite lunch stall, see office workers tapau their deliciously hot food/noodles. Nobody seem concerned with plastic leaching from their favourite tapau lunch packet when they get back to their office to eat them food.

With many happily consuming plastic chemical, I am wondering what our Health Minister has been doing all these years.  What’s their role? Prevention or cure? Zzzzz…

For those interested, here’re some facts I’ve found for your education:

* While it’s likely impossible to completely avoid all plastic products, try to use as little plastic as possible, especially if you’re pregnant, and never use it around food.

* Don’t serve or store hot foods, acidic foods, or foods with a high fat or oil content in plastic containers of any kind as these types of edibles are more likely to encourage leaching.

* Use glass, metal, or lead-free ceramics instead. A simple storage system can be created with any bowl and a similarly-sized plate used as a lid.

* Avoid the temptation to save and reuse commercial food packaging and drink bottles, which are not designed for repeated uses and become more prone to leaching with repeated cleanings.

Read some advice here:

Read a research here:
Styrene Trimer May Increase Thyroid Hormone Levels

September 14, 2012

Drinking alone with the moon

Filed under: Life — Tags: , , — bananachinese @ 1:36 pm


By Li Bai (701-762)

From a pot of wine among the flowers I drank alone.
There was no one with me –

Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon
to bring me my shadow and make us three.

Alas, the moon was unable to drink
and my shadow tagged me vacantly;

But still for a while I had these friends
to cheer me through the end of spring….

I sang. The moon encouraged me.
I danced. My shadow tumbled after.

As long as I knew, we were boon companions.
And then I was drunk, and we lost one another.

…Shall goodwill ever be secure?
I watch the long road of the River of Stars.

April 27, 2012

Who’s your social media manager cum listening specialist?

Filed under: Citizenry, Life, Malaysia, Media, Politics, Repair — Tags: , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 1:59 pm

Most, if not all businesses think community metrics equals revenue, ROI, brand equity.

But if you are only basing your success on retweets, influence scores and popularity then you are standing on shaky ground and bound to fall flat on your face.

If your business really want to make it in a social environment, you must

1. Be open to a mindset change

Do you have the guts to listen to what people are really saying about you and your business in the social world?

Any good social media manager or agency or consultant should have the guts and knowledge to provide you the real information, and help you set priorities and decisions for how to best embed social within the DNA of your business.

2. Get real with your team skill set and available resources

If your team doesn’t have the necessary skills to enable successful engagement, then you must either train them or figure out how you are going to obtain the necessary skills from elsewhere eg terminating employees or re-assigning them to different roles. Without the right people to do the planning, integration, execution, listening, engagement and measurement, you will be doomed to continue to struggle.

This is evident In the Malaysia political arena. Political parties’ cybertroopers or social media team would rather go about their happy retweeting, demeaning and scolding peeps whose ideals differ from theirs. It is amazing how BN (UMNO, MCA, etc) is spending much $$$ on their social media and web team to only able to produce numbers of followers, bragging about retweets and top influencers who they are engaging with.

Shockingly, the paymasters didn’t even have the gumption to realise the lack of engagement ability of their social media people.

If you are only talking to yourself all day and ignoring your target audience or leaving them out of conversation because you have no understanding of what they want to talk about or what they need, then it is highly unlikely you will ever see a solid return on that social media and expensive web team you hired.

The BN social media teams are well on their way to being nothing to nobody.

Be good to your business, it is never too late to go get yourself a top social media listener/manager today.

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