Bananachinese’s Weblog

May 21, 2011

The MCA and JPA scholarship review and appeal yearly special

Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Politics, Repair — Tags: , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 2:21 am

You would think the MCA youths (overaged, paunches and all) would strategise a better way to show off their updated political skills in this changed political landscape.


“MCA Youth secretary-general Datuk Chai Kim Sen said the opposition party was only good at “instigating problems” to curry favour with voters but had so far failed to propose solutions to the annual problem.

“If MCA Youth is a show, then the DAP is its greatest director and actor as well,” he said in a statement today.

Chai said MCA Youth was already busy reviewing scholarship appeals to help “victimised” top students…”

Duh… we all get nostalgic rewinds and replays year after year in the annual JPA scholarship appeals and review saga where students who scored too many A+ were:

1. taught how to fill out forms
2. submit to MCA
3. wait for MCA to review their appeal

Makes one wonder who elected MCA to collect personal data to review the students’ appeal cases.

Also one wonders why can’t the students themselves do the appeal rather than going through the MCA middleman. Like, duh, the students should know how to write and fill out forms and submit it by themselves, right?

Anyways, see extracts from other bystanders and try to figure out some thinking trend of these possible voters below:

You MCA dudes have been ‘handling’ this problem for the past decades without a solution, and you are asking DAP to come up with one? Crazy. (Chan Siang Yen)

What a stupid statement. In a Good government, reviews should NOT EVEN be needed! (EJ)

This PSD and scholarship hiccup is nothing new. It is an annual hiccup – a hiccup /laughing stock which MCA will never be able to overcome. What can the Chinese community hope from MCA? (LA Tan)

MCA, opposition’s role is not to shut up, but to watch and ensure you guys in the ruling party do your work. Busy reviewing? You should be making sure that those cases shouldn’t have happen in the first place. (Danny)

After so many years still fixing in progress? No wonder it is not relevant whether you guys are in cabinet or not? (amino suckers)

MCA has been using people’s emotion for publicity and for its own political mileage. (Gilbert Tan)

I for one am sick of this whole yearly wayang every year where our smartest kids think they deserve a scholarship (based totally on the unholistic evaluation of a single exam) while the government and opposition spar over whether they should get it or not and the rakyat like me fund this whole thing with our tax money without getting a tangible return! (Youdonotknow)

Above comments are extracts from readers comment in The Malaysian Insider article ‘Shut up and let us fix PSD problem, MCA tells DAP’

May 6, 2011

Guilty. Malaysia Members of Parliament

Was too angry to post anything last few days.

How can one not be angry when a good man was betrayed in death by the laws of the country and a man who caused his sufferings and eventual death was virtually let off with a slap on the wrist? Imagine his family’s feelings at being let down by law.

Read this.

Do you know, we cannot blame the courts or the judge, as they can only be guided by laws set by Parliament. We have to be aware the instrument to protect the country and its people is the Malaysia laws and in this case, the transport laws have not moved with the times!

How come important laws have not been updated before we were told by Najib Razak that we should dream to become a high income nation?

What have all our Member of Parliaments and NGOs been doing all these years? So busy with Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat partisanship that they neglected to fight to update laws to protect the real rakyat?

Don’t give me the excuse ‘because one is not the government, one cannot do anything’. It is now time to name and find out if any of our MPs has been faithfully ‘memperjuangkan’ laws be updated to protect the rakyat. Let’s see if we can make up even a minimum total of 10% from the 222 MPs in the house fulfiling their responsibility to push for laws updating.

MPs, you are the ones who should say sorry to the nation, you are part of the body responsible that made Malaysians lives cheap enough for hit and run perpetrators all these years.

This coming general election, we must question all election candidates thoroughly before we even consider to donate a vote to them – Ask them bluntly and demand for substantive reply on what will they do to push laws to be updated so that justice can be fair to the people, or a husband, a father, a grandfather like Ong Kim Koon. Rakyat should not be apologetically relegated to just a number in the statistics just because of archaic laws – MPs do you job or risk be replaced in next GE.

Still am very angry.

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