Bananachinese’s Weblog

May 14, 2013


Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Media, Politics, Scandal — Tags: , , , , — bananachinese @ 6:08 pm




June 11, 2012

Philosophy of new voters registration

Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Parliament, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 3:21 pm

Always, always you hear Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat harping on importance of new voters registration for their party to win the polls. Always, always we hear anecdotes by politicians that registering new voters will add more votes to their party..

Sure or not?

In this age of more heightened human and consumer rights, how can UMNO, MCA, MIC, PAS, DAP, PKR, etc., not realise that most people who aren’t already registered aren’t registered for a reason?

That big reason being they don’t WANT to be registered? That the major reason being they don’t TRUST the political parties to do the lawmaking job effectively?

Consequently, even if you get them to register, it’s going to be tough to get them to actually turn out to vote.

Ain’t that a lot of time and energy wasted for minimal potential return?

Amazing isn’t it, the unthinkingness of our politicians…

December 16, 2011

System error?

Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Politics, Repair — Tags: , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 7:44 pm

Negri Sembilan MCA chief Dr. Yeow Chai Thiam caused a minor brohaha recently when he disclosed his generous helping an opposition politician’s mother and was not thanked for the assistance. That subtly implied Teo Nie Ching (MP for Serdang) needed to be vocally thankful for his helping her mother who was in need of medical assistance some time ago.

But let us not get caught in the silly business of needing to be publicly thankful or grateful to politicians who offered social welfare/charities as their core business instead of law & policy making.

So for voting rakyat, the most important questions to ask of BN and particularly of MCA are:

1. Why are we having a health system whereby sick people need to get MCA bigwigs’ assistance in order to get proper medical attention”?

2. Is such a system being deliberately created by the BN government so that their party leaders can demonstrate their ‘importance’?

Thanks to a commentator by name of ONG who posted the very pertinent question here


Hey, I’m not totally against MCA, but if MCA needs to get beyond GE13, its leaders and veterans need to clean up after itself before even thinking of contesting. Wiser for these oldies to just backoff and let new faces rise up to be MCA candidates.

btw, Can somebody clarify if Yeow Chai Thiam is a real doctor who took the hippocratic oath, doctor-patient confidentiality or a PhD graduate?

Hopefully medical doctors today will not take oath-taking as little more than a ritual with little value beyond that of upholding tradition of that time honoured profession.

July 2, 2011

Yellow mellow in Kuala Lumpur

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Life, Malaysia, news, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 12:00 pm


Friend: BC, aren’t you going to blog on the BERSIH 2 brouhaha at all?

BC: No need, my dear. All the funnies have been spewed out already from Polis DiRaja Malaysia, Najib Razak, UMNO, PAS, Perkasa, MCA, PKR, DAP.

Ain’t nothing else left for me to articulate for the laughing bellies.

And on the harassment against the yellow colour, I’ve been wearing yellow on my skin since birth, nothing else can change me essence.

May 21, 2011

The MCA and JPA scholarship review and appeal yearly special

Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Politics, Repair — Tags: , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 2:21 am

You would think the MCA youths (overaged, paunches and all) would strategise a better way to show off their updated political skills in this changed political landscape.


“MCA Youth secretary-general Datuk Chai Kim Sen said the opposition party was only good at “instigating problems” to curry favour with voters but had so far failed to propose solutions to the annual problem.

“If MCA Youth is a show, then the DAP is its greatest director and actor as well,” he said in a statement today.

Chai said MCA Youth was already busy reviewing scholarship appeals to help “victimised” top students…”

Duh… we all get nostalgic rewinds and replays year after year in the annual JPA scholarship appeals and review saga where students who scored too many A+ were:

1. taught how to fill out forms
2. submit to MCA
3. wait for MCA to review their appeal

Makes one wonder who elected MCA to collect personal data to review the students’ appeal cases.

Also one wonders why can’t the students themselves do the appeal rather than going through the MCA middleman. Like, duh, the students should know how to write and fill out forms and submit it by themselves, right?

Anyways, see extracts from other bystanders and try to figure out some thinking trend of these possible voters below:

You MCA dudes have been ‘handling’ this problem for the past decades without a solution, and you are asking DAP to come up with one? Crazy. (Chan Siang Yen)

What a stupid statement. In a Good government, reviews should NOT EVEN be needed! (EJ)

This PSD and scholarship hiccup is nothing new. It is an annual hiccup – a hiccup /laughing stock which MCA will never be able to overcome. What can the Chinese community hope from MCA? (LA Tan)

MCA, opposition’s role is not to shut up, but to watch and ensure you guys in the ruling party do your work. Busy reviewing? You should be making sure that those cases shouldn’t have happen in the first place. (Danny)

After so many years still fixing in progress? No wonder it is not relevant whether you guys are in cabinet or not? (amino suckers)

MCA has been using people’s emotion for publicity and for its own political mileage. (Gilbert Tan)

I for one am sick of this whole yearly wayang every year where our smartest kids think they deserve a scholarship (based totally on the unholistic evaluation of a single exam) while the government and opposition spar over whether they should get it or not and the rakyat like me fund this whole thing with our tax money without getting a tangible return! (Youdonotknow)

Above comments are extracts from readers comment in The Malaysian Insider article ‘Shut up and let us fix PSD problem, MCA tells DAP’

April 13, 2011

So, how about a score for Sarawak?

I’m trying to vary the contents of me blog. Boring will it be if it solely be bananafied’s voice always (in Yoda language).

So, here’s another article from a friend in Sarawak to dedicate to BC’s dear readers. Any comments, you know what to do lar.

How About A Score For Sarawak?

There is one important question that a proud Sarawakian voter will question their election candidates before they pre-qualify them, especially to the novice politicians before letting them make long range policies on behalf of the people of the state.

We all know about those familiar faced candidates who have been involved in mapping out the Sarawak State Assembly policy for its economic and education future. From the Barisan Nasional’s side, they’re the ones who have been seen participating and contributed input into drawing up of crucial state developmental policies like education which achieved its goal of establishing 3 public universities, 3 private universities, 38 private colleges or university branch campuses. Another important developmental policy for the economic growth is outlined in SCORE (Sarawak Corridor Of Renewable Energy) that we keep reading about in the newspaper ever since BN highlighted it prominently in their manifesto.

Before we proceed, let’s arrive at a common understanding of what is a manifesto. According to Wikipedia, it is a public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued before an election by a political party or candidate.

For this round of the Sarawak state election, the manifestos from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat are already disseminated to the voting public and hopefully will not escape the scrutinizing of the all voters who may or may not be partial to any contesting party.

Let’s check out BN’s manifesto which actually has a long range plan via Score to change Sarawak to become the richest State in Malaysia. According the elaboration, Score would increase the state’s per capita income to RM97,500 by 2030, compared with RM45,000 in 2020 and RM37,287 last year.

So, what’s in the Score that is relevant to the normal man who needs to make a living from day to day to feed his family? A further check with the manifesto (by the way, this is a good authority to reference now that it is a made as promise by BN) says that Score is capable of generating 836,000 jobs by 2030, including 44,000 at the professional and management levels as well as 82,000 engineering and technical jobs. Ok, increase of job opportunities checked for the future.

Next, which sector of the economy that BN tells me I should guide my children to specialise in their studies so that they can ride on the economic road map?

Vide Score, BN will give special emphasis to oil, aluminium, iron, glass, marine engineering and food processing in the halal hub. Ok, checked – areas of education for children to pursue in their studies, if they do so desire.

Additionally, BN promises to do the following which I don’t think anybody will pick a quarrel with:
• The protection of the environment,
• The preservation of the culture,
• Traditions of all the peoples in the state; generating more employment and business opportunities;
• Providing more education opportunities and guaranteeing the people’s rights over their lands.
• Improve quality of life, basic amenities and infrastructure eg: roads, water supply, electricity, health services and housing would be provided.

Well, so much for BN’s manifesto.

What does Pakatan Rakyat’s 10 point manifesto tell voters?

Basically, to give the state’s wealth to the people. guarantee of freedom of religion, free WiFi to move Sarawak into a knowledge-state, a Competency, Accountability and Transparency system of governance, respecting the 18-points agreement and a promise to investigate allegations of ill-gotten wealth of BN leaders and their cronies.

Kudos for display of nice ideals and admirable aspiration, realistically please give details of your long range plans to your intelligent voters? How about a policy plan to 2020 or beyond to prove Pakatan’s here to stay, Baru Bian? Do consider this important hallmark of a government before attempting to score for the Pakatan ship.

By: Bintang Bulan

April 10, 2011

Let a wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion

An excited friend admonished me:

“My dear BC, why are you keeping silent on the Sarawak state election? It is really exciting here in Kuching, the crowds here get to listen to really good talks by opposition every night, DAP speakers are good and entertaining, SUPP not as fiery, but seems like the new chap Dr. Sim Kui Hian is steady and looks like a very reliable politician – if he is elected lar…”

My friend… I’m still in holiday mood and will opt to not side any one party at the moment. So, Sarawakian friends will be missing out on my knify sharp political analysis this week, hehehe.

Anyways, to sooth friends who are buoyed by the highs courtesy of opposition speakers, share with you something I’ve gotten from another savvy friend.

Until next week,

Let a wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows public opinion

It is a common human fallacy to generalize issues when trying to justify one’s argument in order to KO the opponent. Who haven’t heard of someone who will say “He/she is so typical of a xxx (insert race/category of profession) therefore he/she is (insert assumption of undesirable action here).”

Let’s not be ashamed to admit it, most of us might have done it conscious or unconsciously. Even the DAP and other opposition parties tend to do this ‘natural’ thing. Usually, the members of the opposition will strike first with accusations of xxx (insert preferred presumptions of guilt before trial here). And then it is followed up by bombardments and arguments to stir up the public’s emotion with insinuated wrongdoings such as, “xxx is rich, therefore xxx is corrupted”. This is a well worn method as human beings are found to be intrigued by real or imagined scandals especially if it can blacken the image of the more famous member of the community.

But if one were to dig deeper, one will find that the argument was not wholesome and skewed to be lopsided towards the interest of the opposition. For instance, when debating issues of development, the attacker will not acknowledge truths of how the whole community has also benefited to rise up to better living as compared to their forefather’s hard environment which seriously lacked the economic public infrastructure built up since then. There was no recognition for work and effort put in by the state to satisfy and balance various communities’ demands, sensitivities and interpretations of social justice.

One is reminded how the Chinese who are generally well recognised for their belief in ‘Dao’ and that everything in the universe have a black and white perspective that balances each side for a harmonious life existence. Many Chinese sayings have been handed down since the ancient sage kings to disseminate their wisdom to guide the new generations to balance all sides of each story. Indeed, this has given rise to the general perception that all Chinese are pragmatic practitioners capable of understanding the Dao of both sides of the story before making hasty decisions.

Why not try out the Chinese way to analyze what has been given as ‘truth’ and avoid the risk falling into the trap of ‘One stick knocking down the whole village’. Don’t you think it is a great injustice to deny the work of many good people from the village who has silently contributed to make our lives better today?

by: Bintang Bulan

November 7, 2010

BN and PR lost. Ku Li won Galas by-election

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Malaysia, news, Parliament, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 4:37 pm

For those Malaysians easily drunk on ‘victory’, for the politically uninitiated and for those who thought they know real politiks.

Barisan Nasional component parties have looooong way to go to regain back lost gound prior 308. This is not a time to celebrate, act cocky or thumping of chests. It is not even a victory for them cybertroopers who have no inkling of political ideology in their tweet little universe.

Suffering Pakatan Rakyat and its components PKR, PAS, DAP, have a looooong way to go to reach Putrajaya.

Therefore, to all Malaysia political parties from opposite divides, please go back dutifully to the drawing board and conduct many more cadre trainings for your party members.

Don’t you dare serve us anymore under-qualified or puppet candidates in the next General Election.

July 28, 2010

Respect la Teng Chang Khim’s tweet…

This time it is kudos to Teng Chang Khim who twitted the truth.

Saw tengchangkhim’s  twit in Malaysiakini:

Less public exams lead to less workbooks, less tuition class, less workbook suppliers, less corruption in schools.”

Ouch, a big, big black eye to those blood sucking members of the Dongs and Jiao of  Zongs and some say, them MCA members too…

Yep, DAP’s Teng Chang Khim has matured nicely as a politician with some grip on reality. Hope his brother’s road to maturity in MCA is also as progressive.

I say take away those miserable exams that disturb our children’s enjoyment of their childhood’s most creative period. Don’t do onto others what you’ve had to endure and hated in school.

The great master Confucius never had to endure UPSR or PMR. Neither did Socrates who creatively spent his life investigating the content of another’s thinking.

July 10, 2010

To do next GE or how to choose your Cabinet Ministers of Malaysia

Had a crazy brainwave after a juicy delicious pear from China (China boleh! Except in football, hehehe).

Ok, we already have a 3 party system in place (3rd party is still wobbly but its there). Shall we the rakyat go another step to test the ability of 1Malaysia to survive the New Economy of 2020?

To step up is so simple. We just need to practice by doing the things we do daily… Yup, just by reading and listening to the news – newspapers, new media, blogs, radio news, talkshows. And, by talking to neighbours, friends at the kopitiam, while shooting pool, fishing, after watching footie, etc.

Then we put ourselves to the test at General Election….. just tick the fella with the most capacity/ability to be a policy making Minister in the Cabinet of Malaysia Government. (regardless of whether they’re from UMNO, MCA, MIC, PKR, DAP, PAS, etc)

You see, every time we voted for a Member of Parliament, indirectly we voted also for a potential Minister of the Cabinet – It is from the pool of Member of Parliaments that the Prime Minister has to choose his team members to sit in the Minister seat.

So, if you’ve ticked the vote box for a silly guy who will raise his toy keris or you’ve voted for an Ah Beng who can’t speak our national language, or a well dressed bumpkin who have absolutely no idea what is national policymaking…. Don’t blame them the stupid ministers for not doing their job. They just weren’t equipped to do ministerial work – they are enjoying the honours of sitting in a nice office because you’ve elevated them into that point of authority to mess up your country’s wealth, education, health and future direction.

Yup, in modern Malaysia, we the voters have voted always for a pool of ministers by elevating the ill-equipped to positions of authority by way of the Peter Principle. (The Peter Principle is the principle that “in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”)

Now, ain’t that a revelation for us dumb dumb voters?

Poor Najib Tun Razak, how now to get the New Economic Model going before the androids consume our employment market?

(Ta…I’m going back for more pears and FIFA finals footie winner analysis.)

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