Bananachinese’s Weblog

September 24, 2016

Nothing has changed for Malaysia, or has it?

Filed under: Citizenry, Economy, Malaysia, Parliament, Politics — bananachinese @ 4:19 pm


Being an old hand at this thingy that everyday Malaysians would gripe about with zestful anger, I most profess to be very sympathetic to their emotions.

It is a terribly, terribly, terribly sad affair isn’t it, that our politicians are not as clean nor as upright as we common people.

What’s going on with the MO1, 1MDB alphabetical soup concoction that has got big brother USA’s Attorney General worked up an investigation? Tun Dr Mahathir and Najib Abdul Razak and their minions going at each other?

The poor UMNO kampung folks can’t understand all these international business intrigue and machinations. Tak paham langsung perihal inilah, the poor makciks and pakciks….

Welcome to Vision 2020, Malaysians…. Miss this ride, you’ll have to wait forever for the next.


June 11, 2012

Philosophy of new voters registration

Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Parliament, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 3:21 pm

Always, always you hear Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat harping on importance of new voters registration for their party to win the polls. Always, always we hear anecdotes by politicians that registering new voters will add more votes to their party..

Sure or not?

In this age of more heightened human and consumer rights, how can UMNO, MCA, MIC, PAS, DAP, PKR, etc., not realise that most people who aren’t already registered aren’t registered for a reason?

That big reason being they don’t WANT to be registered? That the major reason being they don’t TRUST the political parties to do the lawmaking job effectively?

Consequently, even if you get them to register, it’s going to be tough to get them to actually turn out to vote.

Ain’t that a lot of time and energy wasted for minimal potential return?

Amazing isn’t it, the unthinkingness of our politicians…

September 19, 2011

Najib Razak, UMNO, BN, Pakatan Rakyat and the Internal Security Act

Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Parliament, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 11:32 am

In a special televised address on eve of Malaysia Day on 15 September 2011, PM Najib Razak announced will abolish the Internal Security Act and amend a number of laws which have long been criticised as overt attempts to stifle democracy:

* Abolishment of Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960, which allows detention without trial.

* Three Emergency declarations to be lifted.

* Amendments to freedom of assembly laws, which will recognise Article 10 of the Federal Constitution but will be “strongly” against street demonstration.

* Annual renewal of publishing permits for newspapers will be replaced with a one-off licence, which can be withdrawn.

* Repeal of Banishment Act 1959 and revision of Restricted Residence Act 1933.


Fine. Me have no problems with anybody making political promises in public. Freedom of expression, yes?

Now we await for the promise to be carried, to be made into law. Until then, no popping of the champagne bottles yet.

Me not being a grumpy sceptical, just being a citizen well aware of my constitutional rights.

Hope you be too.

May 6, 2011

Guilty. Malaysia Members of Parliament

Was too angry to post anything last few days.

How can one not be angry when a good man was betrayed in death by the laws of the country and a man who caused his sufferings and eventual death was virtually let off with a slap on the wrist? Imagine his family’s feelings at being let down by law.

Read this.

Do you know, we cannot blame the courts or the judge, as they can only be guided by laws set by Parliament. We have to be aware the instrument to protect the country and its people is the Malaysia laws and in this case, the transport laws have not moved with the times!

How come important laws have not been updated before we were told by Najib Razak that we should dream to become a high income nation?

What have all our Member of Parliaments and NGOs been doing all these years? So busy with Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat partisanship that they neglected to fight to update laws to protect the real rakyat?

Don’t give me the excuse ‘because one is not the government, one cannot do anything’. It is now time to name and find out if any of our MPs has been faithfully ‘memperjuangkan’ laws be updated to protect the rakyat. Let’s see if we can make up even a minimum total of 10% from the 222 MPs in the house fulfiling their responsibility to push for laws updating.

MPs, you are the ones who should say sorry to the nation, you are part of the body responsible that made Malaysians lives cheap enough for hit and run perpetrators all these years.

This coming general election, we must question all election candidates thoroughly before we even consider to donate a vote to them – Ask them bluntly and demand for substantive reply on what will they do to push laws to be updated so that justice can be fair to the people, or a husband, a father, a grandfather like Ong Kim Koon. Rakyat should not be apologetically relegated to just a number in the statistics just because of archaic laws – MPs do you job or risk be replaced in next GE.

Still am very angry.

March 22, 2011

Update: Nobody watched ‘blue’ movie in Parliament

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Parliament — Tags: , , , — bananachinese @ 1:29 pm

Here’s an update on my previous post – Nazri Aziz has now come out to protect sanctity of Parliament.

Nobody watched ‘blue’ movie in Parliament: Nazri (read Malaysiakini here)

March 10, 2011

Messaging the true friends of BN

Filed under: Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Media, Parliament, Politics, Repair — Tags: , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 12:07 pm

Interesting report from Berita Harian:

Dr Mahathir percaya dakwaan bahawa masyarakat Cina tidak menyokong BN adalah benar kerana ia dapat diketahui berdasarkan sistem pengiraan undi mengikut saluran di pusat pengundian.

Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata, terpulang kepada kerajaan untuk mengkaji punca pengundi Cina menolak BN kerana sokongan semua masyarakat adalah penting.

Dalam pada itu, katanya, faktor lain yang turut menjejaskan BN ialah pengundi keliru kerana masalah dalaman yang dihadapi parti komponen masing-masing.

Full article here

Like it or not, the good doctor has made very valid observation.

I say that’s why BN got to go back to the drawing board.

Think, Think, Think (don’t feel shy to learn from lovable Winnie The Pooh & friends).

Work hard on your messaging:

Don’t just deploy the backstabbing style of messaging/blogging/tweettering. It is so passe, politically unsavvy and unpalatable to the refine tastes of our new voters and mature voters who have attended school before.

Get help from those in BN who are well experience in listening and messaging.

Lest your Archilles heels will cause BN to limp home in next General Election. (ouch, ouch, ouch)

March 2, 2011

Why democratic elections and political reform?

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Government, Malaysia, Parliament, Politics — Tags: , , , — bananachinese @ 6:59 pm


1Malaysia wanna move on up with China? Do this….


There is a need to hold democratic elections according to the law; have democratic decision making, democratic management as well as democratic supervision; safeguard people’s right to know, to participate, to express and to supervise.

Political reform, including opportunities for citizens to criticise and monitor the government, is necessary to sustain economic growth. Otherwise, the country’s economic gains would be lost.

January 3, 2011

Jom! Kita beri undi pada calun

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Malaysia, Parliament, Politics, Repair — Tags: , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 1:40 pm

An anonymous commentator suggested this:


A parent resolved to do this:

Why we parents are not happy? One, some of the parents have many schooling kids. If f5 one have to spend nearly $1600 on the first day of school, imagine you have 5 kids and some in colleges where they need $500/600 pmth for food and books. Perbelanjaan biasa mcm mana?

My thots? Even cikgus wants extra income. Some by giving tuition, some by enforcing extra payments from students and parents. This did not include monthly request from school on tshirts, files, seminars, classes etc. This has to stop and my resolution in the next GE is to choose candidates, not the party.”

A Member of Parliament from Barisan Nasional pleaded the same:

Amid the familiar speculation on the imminent 13th General Election, it is imperative for the voters to be more discerning on making their choice, come polling day. We should gauge and judge the candidates not merely on their party affiliation or their one-off statement made on certain issues, but instead their consistency in upholding certain virtues or values should be given top marks.”

So, will the above be harbinger of the voting trend for the Malaysian 13th General Election?

November 29, 2010

Aging BN political parties don’t understand generationism

Longevitity in politics is admired for its resilience. However, in the world that is constantly in a state of flux, shifting from generations to generations after WWII, Baby boomers to Generation X to Generation Y and now the Generation Z, political parties which have been there since Merdeka seriously need to learn and re-learn new ways to engage with their voters.

Forget the old methods of ‘servicing’ the voters by simply playing the middlemen eg: to type support letters to help them apply for some things. Or just indulging in charity work. Or worst, interfering with the education system. That ain’t  the lawmaking and policymaking your voters put you up for.

In case, ye olde political parties haven’t noticed, your voters are now literate and can write by themselves. Don’t believe it? Just check what they say of you and your party in the internet.

Forget the antagonizing ‘criticize and hit below the belt’ method you are wont to indulge in Twitter. They are a huge turn-off to current voters who have started to develop a taste for fair play.

It is well to quickly learn how to update your communication methods to engage. Start within your own party – start by training your own members before your political party caused itself to be an embarrassment in eyes and ears of the listening public. And then, lose in the General Election.

November 7, 2010

BN and PR lost. Ku Li won Galas by-election

Filed under: Announcement, Citizenry, Malaysia, news, Parliament, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 4:37 pm

For those Malaysians easily drunk on ‘victory’, for the politically uninitiated and for those who thought they know real politiks.

Barisan Nasional component parties have looooong way to go to regain back lost gound prior 308. This is not a time to celebrate, act cocky or thumping of chests. It is not even a victory for them cybertroopers who have no inkling of political ideology in their tweet little universe.

Suffering Pakatan Rakyat and its components PKR, PAS, DAP, have a looooong way to go to reach Putrajaya.

Therefore, to all Malaysia political parties from opposite divides, please go back dutifully to the drawing board and conduct many more cadre trainings for your party members.

Don’t you dare serve us anymore under-qualified or puppet candidates in the next General Election.

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