Bananachinese’s Weblog

January 9, 2013

About the rape in India

Filed under: Citizenry, Forum, Government, Life, Politics — Tags: , , , , , — bananachinese @ 1:52 pm

Rama Sita

I read an interesting article on The New York Times Op-Ed “The Unspeakable Truth About Rape In India” and found an interesting comment from a reader about India.

Read and tell me about your reaction to below commentator.

Comment from: Cleanup from U.S.

“Crime like rapes etc are the result of lawlessness and political corruption in India. It is clear now, protests marches do not work as they are easily crushed the same way India’s Anti corruption movement was crushed.

The main curse of India is this- the country has been ruled by old, uneducated, inefficient, corrupt politicians who consider themselves lords and masters since the British left.

The opposition is the same.

The Prime Minister is educated but is unable to think outside the box.

Every project, every deal allows the politicians to collect huge cuts and the citizens end up with lousy deals, crumbling roads and infrastructure. Scam after scams are revealed only to be hushed up. Giving and taking kickbacks have been perfected to an art form and no one gets caught.

The politicians , public servants and their relatives are some of the richest in the world. It’s time the world comes to know the truth and hopefully these politicians would feel some shame for what is happening to this land of a billion plus people.

India needs massive doses of new blood,-educated modern thinking to be injected into the government. Indians must encourage educated result oriented, people from the private sector to join politics. If not this cancer of corruption, lawlessness will destroy this country. India is now one of the the largest kleptocracies in the world.”


February 21, 2012

Stars: Can we still have them like they used to?

Remember the poise and how stars used carry their business with the public?

After Teresa Teng came Fong Fei Fei.

Public perception is so very important in this dog eat dog world, especially for those in public’s eye, don’t you think so?


MCA, hope you heed this. Your members are way behind in this area.

Read public reactions to MCA’s Jessie Ooi who attracted attention with her emotional off topic issues during Q&A session at the debate between Chua Soi Lek and Lim Guan Eng on 18 Feb 2012 organised by ASLI and INSAP.

Trivia time:

Did you know that Jessie Ooi the MCA Beliawanis Selangor chief also happens to be the Penyelaras BN for Selayang? Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai is rumoured to be eying to be candidate for Selayang this GE13. It will be interesting if Jessie will give Donald hell if he does any misstep during campaign, hehehee.

Find out for yourself readers’ comments and reactions to her behaviour at Malaysiakini here.

June 2, 2011

Would you elect an MCA candidate as your Member of Parliament or ADUN?

Filed under: Citizenry, Forum, Malaysia, Politics — Tags: , , , , — bananachinese @ 3:25 pm

April 25, 2011

Circle of responsibility: Lynas Corp, Pahang state government, Fuziah, MITI, BN and MCA

Bloomberg reported on 22 April:

Lynas Corp. will be barred from importing raw materials into Malaysia until the completion of a study prompted by health and safety concerns related to a processing plant the Australian developer of rare earths minerals is constructing.

The Sydney-based company won’t get a pre-operating license until the month-long independent review is complete, the Malaysian government said. The company can continue building its $220 million refinery in Pahang state while it awaits the outcome of the panel’s study, Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria, secretary-general of the Ministry of International Trade & Industry, told media in Kuala Lumpur today.

“We will never compromise the public interest in the handling of the Lynas issue,” International Trade & Industry Minister Mustapa Mohamed said. “The health and safety of our people and the environment will continue to receive the highest priority in our deliberations in this regard.”

Protests, including a march on Parliament, have escalated following leakages at nuclear power plants in Japan after last month’s earthquake and tsunami. While technologies used in rare- earth processing are different, local residents and non- governmental organizations are concerned over radiation risks and what will happen to the waste.

The company will issue a statement later, Liz Whiteway, a Lynas spokesperson, said when phoned in Kuala Lumpur today for comment.

And this response came after years of  Fuziah Salleh’s (current Kuantan MP) protest against Lynas’ intention. She blogged on 20 April:

Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan YAB MB Pahang, sewaktu menggulung titah DYMM Sultan Pahang diakhir sesi sidang DUN Pahang 19 Apr 2011

MB: Jangan cerca kami, Pahang tiada kuasa beri Lynas lessen

Kerajaan negeri Pahang tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk melulus dan menutup pembinaan kilang pemprosesan logam nadir bumi milik Syarikat Lynas Corporation Ltd dari Australia, kata Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob.

Kenyataan beliau yang mengarahkan tanggungjawab kepada Lembaga Perlesenan Atom Malaysia, sungguh tidak bertanggung jawab kerana sekiranya Kerajaan Negri Pahang tidak mengeluarkan lesen premis, maka LAMP tidak akan mendapat tapak untuk mendirikan logi mereka. Dan LAMP tidak mungkin boleh mahu mula memproses rare earth pada hari ini.

Kerajaan Pahang juga kata mereka berpuas hati dgn tahap keselamatan yang dilaporkan oleh LPTA. Akan tetapi LPTA pula pernah berkata bahawa mereka hanya keluarkan Lesen. MITI yang beri ” Strategic Pioneer Status” dan pengecualian cukai selama 12 tahun.

Compare this with utterings of the MCA Kuantan chief who in dealing with this potentially serious environmental issue of common concern seemed to be unable to forget the usual MCA style of discrediting others who are not of the BN colours (23 April):

Kuantan MCA chairman Datuk Ti Lian Ker when contacted, said the opposition had purposely turned the project into a political issue and used “emotion and anger” to attract the public’s attention.

“Opposition leader in the State Assembly, Leong Ngah Ngah from DAP, when attending the briefings on the project for elected representatives in 2009, had also agreed to the construction of the project, and was reported by a Chinese daily as saying that the state government had managed to secure a huge investment from abroad,” he said.

Ti also said several briefing sessions conducted to explain the issue had also turned into a political battlefields.

“The people in Kuantan were deluged with information that made people emotional and angry. Is this the opposition’s political agenda? They seem to be smarter that the atomic energy experts and the AELB,” he added.

Ti Lian Ker, your biodata proudly declared you were the State Assemblyman for Teruntum (1995-2008), Menteri Besar Pahang’s Special Officer from 2008, and appointed Pengerusi Lembaga Rayuan Perancang Bandar dan Desa Negeri Pahang in 2009. Surely you must have heard early news of Lynas’ proposal to do this business which was approved in January 2008? What happened? Did you inform and discuss potentialities of this business and potential issues with MCA members and the people living there to pre-empt problems? Or, heaven forbid, you have no idea at all what happened during your watch?

For that matter, how about the level of knowledge of Lynas’ business from all the Pahang MPs and ADUNs who are/were in service then and now? If they can say they know nothing because they were not aware or told about it, Pahang voters are going to be laughing stock of the whole world cos their elected representatives who are/were supposed to safeguard their constituents have let them down badly.

Maybe politicians should learn from the Pahang Bar Council :

Pahang Bar chairman Hon Kai Ping admitted the suggestion might tarnish Malaysia’s image as an investment destination but pointed out that the government should not rush its decision with so much at stake. “The Pahang Bar is of the opinion that careful and thorough scrutiny of the rare earth operations is needed here and no decision should be rushed if the government is serious regarding the health and welfare of Malaysians,”

November 10, 2010

Human being, pig or fool?

Filed under: Citizenry, Forum, Malaysia, Politics, Repair — Tags: , , , , , — bananachinese @ 4:56 pm

It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied. Better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool or the pig are of a different opinion, it is because they only know their side of the question.”

Watching the poor performances of the Yang Berhormats in the hallowed Dewan Rakyat and our pitiful mainstream newspapers, which of the above best reflect on each of our Members of Parliament and members of the esteemed Malaysia cabinet ministers?

October 10, 2010

Hey, gimme some truth

Filed under: Citizenry, Forum, Government, Life, Malaysia, Media, Politics — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — bananachinese @ 12:36 pm

This is a special song dedication to political parties who claim they represent us communities (Chinese, Indian, Malays, dll) when their party constitution say clearly that they are representatives for their own party members only.

I’m sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

I’ve had enough of reading things
By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
Money for dope
Money for rope

I’m sick to death of seeing things
From tight-lipped, condescending, mama’s little chauvinists
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth now

I’ve had enough of watching scenes
Of schizophrenic, ego-centric, paranoiac, prima-donnas
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth

No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son of Tricky Dicky
Is gonna mother hubbard soft soap me
With just a pocketful of hope
It’s money for dope
Money for rope

Ah, I’m sick to death of hearing things
from uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now

I’ve had enough of reading things
by neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now

All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth

Everybody now, let us sing together with John Lennon

September 30, 2010

The 1Malaysia test


I wonder how many salarymen and housewives will fail this unwanted test.

P/S: Who can clarify for the individualists confused amongst the collectivists?

Extracted from The Sun’s report “Take ‘1Malaysia test’, see where you stand:PM” dated 17 Sept:

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today suggested that every Malaysian take the “1Malaysia test” when they face or are confronted with racial issues to see where they stand.

# Will my stand on certain ethnic issue impact others’ ethnicity or religion?

# Will it improve harmony or create hatred towards my race?

# Can it promote better understanding among the races and improve national unity or vice-versa?

July 10, 2010

To do next GE or how to choose your Cabinet Ministers of Malaysia

Had a crazy brainwave after a juicy delicious pear from China (China boleh! Except in football, hehehe).

Ok, we already have a 3 party system in place (3rd party is still wobbly but its there). Shall we the rakyat go another step to test the ability of 1Malaysia to survive the New Economy of 2020?

To step up is so simple. We just need to practice by doing the things we do daily… Yup, just by reading and listening to the news – newspapers, new media, blogs, radio news, talkshows. And, by talking to neighbours, friends at the kopitiam, while shooting pool, fishing, after watching footie, etc.

Then we put ourselves to the test at General Election….. just tick the fella with the most capacity/ability to be a policy making Minister in the Cabinet of Malaysia Government. (regardless of whether they’re from UMNO, MCA, MIC, PKR, DAP, PAS, etc)

You see, every time we voted for a Member of Parliament, indirectly we voted also for a potential Minister of the Cabinet – It is from the pool of Member of Parliaments that the Prime Minister has to choose his team members to sit in the Minister seat.

So, if you’ve ticked the vote box for a silly guy who will raise his toy keris or you’ve voted for an Ah Beng who can’t speak our national language, or a well dressed bumpkin who have absolutely no idea what is national policymaking…. Don’t blame them the stupid ministers for not doing their job. They just weren’t equipped to do ministerial work – they are enjoying the honours of sitting in a nice office because you’ve elevated them into that point of authority to mess up your country’s wealth, education, health and future direction.

Yup, in modern Malaysia, we the voters have voted always for a pool of ministers by elevating the ill-equipped to positions of authority by way of the Peter Principle. (The Peter Principle is the principle that “in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”)

Now, ain’t that a revelation for us dumb dumb voters?

Poor Najib Tun Razak, how now to get the New Economic Model going before the androids consume our employment market?

(Ta…I’m going back for more pears and FIFA finals footie winner analysis.)

June 8, 2010

Do you ever truly inquire about Israel, Palestine, Gaza?

Some of you will hate me for dare to pursue this line of inquiry.

But I am a apprentice philosopher and philosophers got to practice reason and objectivity to reach the truth.


Mayhap the Palestine/Gaza/Israel issue is over a piece of land? Why activists shout about standing up for a particular religion, when Palestine has other peoples of the book too?

And, closer to home, if you would allow you to dare to inquire even more:

Many Malaysians suffer from a paradox; they remain a sophisticated society in terms of their material growth but are constrained when it comes to understanding their multi-religiosity?


Think objectively, reason and sift through carefully what your mind are fed with by the elite power brokers.

May 22, 2010

Strange malaise of the literate uneducated and more…

Fren: Hey, do you know how to contact MCA Michael Chong?

BananaC: Why? You want his service ka?

Fren: Not me lar, my fren wants to ask Michael to help.

BananaC: Help what?

Fren: He wants to complain about another fren who ate his money in a business deal.

BananaC: Aiya… this is a criminal case lar, just tell your fren to file police report.

Fren: Seek Michael Chong faster, mah.

BananaC: File police report yourself is faster. Whaffor your fren want to use Michael Chong as a middle man. If your fren dunno how to read and write, then he got reason go get Michael Chong to file a report in the newspaper and take publicity photo appear in standard pose with the complaint letter.

Fren: My fren is a doctor, you know!

BananaC: How come a doctor also need to get things done via Michael Chong? Doctor can read and write what! Maybe your doctor fren cheated through school exam or too damn lazy to fill complaint form or follow legal recourse ka?

Fren: We Chinese used to this sort of service, what.

BananaC: You mean we Chinese are such dependency syndrome people who even though after going through education or university, can read and write but still need to run to Michael Chong to sort out our private lives grievances?

Fren: Sure ma.

BananaC: No wonder MCA cannot become political party, you all conditioned MCA psychologically to be stuck in the era of the many academically unschooled.

Fren: We never see MCA do politics. They like to focus do community complaints bureau service like Michael Chong, lar. Anyway, MCA never demonstrated they can do national politics.

BananaC: Tell your doctor fren to join MCA to enjoy more close relationship with Michael Chong. Wey, maybe your fren can get to brush shoulders with the MCA big brothers also.

Fren: You think he don’t want, ah? He joined many years but never even get invitation letter to any political training!

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