Bananachinese’s Weblog

August 18, 2008

Seditious utterances on Bernama tv Hello Malaysia: Malaysiakini pls investigate!!

Did anyone watch Bernama TV yesterday night on channel 502 the show ‘Hello Malaysia’?

Our ‘hero’ Ibrahim Ali (the frog who rode on PAS ticket in GE recently and proclaimed himself as an independent after winning an MP seat in Kelantan) was ever so ultra and extremist accusing Khalid Ibrahim selling out Malay rights.

He scolded Khalid and Ong Tee Keat for mempertikaikan perlembagaan negara!!! He also accused other private institutions for not opening up for Bumi. On one hand, he acknowledged UITM is for those who’s qualification are not accepted by apex university, but on the other hand, he want to bully other education institutions to lower their standards to serve his nationalistic fervours!!!

I think matilah our country’s economy if many of our politicians cannot calculate or hedge our current human resources (students) as national assets for future. Such backward tempurung minds cannot do justice to help our rakyat to succeed on a well managed NEP. How can a country compete with global minds if our not so best are treated as best according to our warped standards!! Patutlah our politicians not Division One!

More on Division One here.

pssssst… the talk show has a call in also. The second caller was damn seditious, saying that who allow other races to have kerakyatan jus soli in Malaysia during independence negotiation, shouldn’t allow other races kerakyatan. The moderator was so stupid, only grinned when this caller muttered the disrespectful utterance against our Perlembagaan. Ibrahim Ali can be seen puffing up his chest.

I’m so damn mad with Ibrahim Ali!!!!!!
Bernama, you really bring your status down as national news agency!!!

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